DNC Corruption

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

I could write about DNC corruption and the MSM every day.  They certainly provide plenty of material.  But this one isn’t about the latest news flash.  It’s straight from the heart.

Yesterday, I received my copy of Peter Schweizer’s new release Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, and dove into it immediately.  The first chapter is basically a “set the stage” intro.  Chapter 2 is an exposé on the Biden family and their ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  Schweizer and his team of investigators have traced $31 million in payments to the Biden family from Chinese businessmen with close ties to highly ranked members of China’s intelligence service, through various “shady business” deals with Hunter Biden and his portfolio of entities.  Textbook influence peddling.  Does Joe Biden have “plausible deniability”?  Not if anyone cares to look.

Where is Hunter anyway?  Certainly not in federal prison where he belongs.  Does anyone really believe the “chip-on-his-shoulder” Attorney General, Merrick Garland, is going to prosecute Hunter Biden? Garland was denied Senate hearings on his appointment to the Supreme Court in Obama’s last year. That is why I have been advocating for the Attorney General to be appointed by the party NOT in the White House, even when occupied by a Republican. The AGs under Obama and Biden were, and are, essentially Kings Guards. Did Trumps AGs protect him. or do his bidding? Apparently not. Seems like one-sided corruption to me.

It’s notable that Schweizer’s last book was titled, Profiles in Corruption, which also had a chapter on the Biden family, among other prominent Democrats.  He dedicated an entire book to the Clinton cabal.  I can’t wait until he gets to Obama for the “grand slam” of the last four Democrat presidential candidates, Al Gore excluded.

The message here is that these high-profile Democrats are filthy to the core, and all American voters should be aware of the extent to which they have perfected the art of corruption.  That’s disgusting enough, but when you know the media protects them and you realize that none of them have ever been investigated, let alone prosecuted, you are reminded of the classic Vince Lombardi quote, “What the Hell’s goin’ on out here?”

I have no affiliation with Schweizer and don’t currently enjoy any financial gain from the sale of his books.  I’m just recommending that every American read his work.

Also yesterday, before getting the book in the mail, I watched a documentary on George Washington titled “The First American”, an IMDb production by Newt Gingrich.  It was an excellent profile on the greatest American of all time, and was special to me, having had the privilege of knowing him personally.  The movie puts the viewer in the spirit of ’76, a state of mind that is sorely needed today.  It’s currently streaming on Amazon Prime and I highly recommend it.

This is a call to action.  If you want to call yourself an American, you should be outraged at the direction the DNC has taken this country.  It is not enough to silently accept their “political correctness”, ignore their corruption, and keep your mouth shut as the “woke mob” takes control of every aspect of your life.  True patriots don’t sit down and shut up.  We must stand up and be heard.  Not long ago, I was willing to consider loyal Democrat voters as a segment of the populace that could not be swayed to switch teams.  I have been trying to inform the independents and young voters who may be new to the political consciousness.  Now I’m convinced that anyone who opens their eyes and earnestly examines the truth, can be converted.  But it will take a tremendous effort to destroy the DNC and their media propaganda machine.  It will take true American patriots talking to their friends and family members, respectfully, but convincingly, that the DNC is rotten and should be defeated at every opportunity.  While they continue to divide the country by race and identity politics, we welcome anyone into our tent.  You have all heard the phrase “wake up America”.  It is our mission to enlighten the people with facts, to point out the deceptive agenda of the “fake news” media, and to become voices of reason.  I will admit that I have had thoughts of leaving the country and just going somewhere without all this turmoil.  But that is not feasible and it is a quitter’s attitude.  We can win hearts and minds.  We must not give up.   

“Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

  —  Thomas Paine, The Crisis I, December 23, 1776

Comments welcome

Democrats Acknowledge Border Crisis

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

All of a sudden the Biden administration and the Democrats in lock-step, are deeply concerned over developments at the border.  They have actually admitted we have a border crisis. The White House has repeatedly said there will be “serious consequences” [1] for anyone who threatens a sovereign nation. Oh wait, you mean the Ukraine?  I thought you were talking about our own border. What about America’s sovereignty?

The Democrats don’t give a rat’s ass about America, or our citizens. They completely ignore the human invasion taking place on our own southern border.  In December, CBP conducted over 178,000 encounters with illegal immigrants along our southern border, more than the previous 3 Decembers combined, and we have absorbed over 2 million immigrants in the past year. July and August each saw over 200,000 immigrant encounters, with the August total representing a 320% increase over August 2020.  [2]

What’s their plan? Advertise the open border that the American taxpayer is funding their lives so we can give them everything for free and turn them into loyal Democrat voters, while turning a few red (or purple) states blue in the process (Arizona, Nevada, Texas).  Overwhelm the welfare system and create a massive class of dependents they can control. Not to mention all the negative consequences of accepting all these “migrants”, like criminality, human trafficking, drug running, and the economic impact of so many unskilled laborers driving down wages, flooding our schools, and health care systems, and straining our infrastructure that is already obsolete. Oh, but don’t worry!  Biden will fix all that with his “Build Back Better” plan.

Drug Overdose Deaths in the U. S. Top 100,000 Annually  [3] That’s the headline of a CDC press release, which states that opioid overdose deaths rose to 75,673 by the year ended April 2021, up nearly 35% from the same period a year earlier.  These deaths are primarily from synthetic opioids, like fentanyl and methamphetamine, courtesy of the Mexican border.  

Biden talks about sending 8,500 troops to the Ukraine to defend their sovereignty against over 100,000 Russian troops massed on their border.  We have already sent armaments in the form of anti-tank missiles and “bunker busters” to Kyiv. 

Bunker busters?  Do they expect the Russians to build concrete bunkers on the border?  Or are they to be on hand for when we invade Moscow – in winter?

Is Joe Biden sure 8,500 American soldiers can repel 100,000 invading Russians?  Does he plan to send more?  A lot more?  It doesn’t matter to him.  He doesn’t care about the 100,000 Americans dying every year from opioids.  Why should he care about American soldiers fighting a purposeless war?

These Democrats are dumber than a bag of hammers, which could be better used to beat some sense into them.   

Maybe somebody in Congress should stand up and tell these idiots how stupid this notion is.  We don’t need to sacrifice precious American blood for the protection of a country of zero strategic importance, particularly against a super-power that can match our nuclear strength.  The left was insanely warning us of Trump having his hands on the nuclear codes.  Remember that time he threatened to use them?  Me either.  Now a deranged Biden, acting on the whims of his puppet-master, is actually talking about going to war – against Russia.  And the warmongers of the Military Industrial Complex are drooling at the prospect. 

Who exactly, stands to benefit from such a ridiculous engagement? Is Biden trying to boost the profits of corporate military hardware manufacturers? Is he trying to appease his Chinese controllers? Or is he mindlessly following the orders of an “advisor”, one who wants to destroy America and its military?  And who could that be?   

These are serious questions.

Nostradamus predicted a nuclear conflict that will destroy mankind – in June 2038.  I’m not sure we will make it that long.  

What do you think? COMMENT below.

[1]  Spiering, C.,Breitbart, dated 25 Jan 2022 Vice President Kamala Harris told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Monday, “If Russia and Vladimir Putin violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine there’s going to be serious consequences, and we’re very clear about that,” 


[2]  Moore, M. , New York Post, dated 15 Sep 2021


[3]  CDC/National Center for Health Statistics, updated 17 Nov 2021


GOP Electors Targeted by Jan 6 Committee

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

GOP Electors in seven battleground states have been targeted by the Jan 6 Committee for submitting false slates of electors in dispute of the certified slates presented to Congress.

The U. S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol began hearing testimony on July 27th 2021 and by the end of the year, had interviewed over 300 witnesses.  They now have a much broader criminal conspiracy in their sights.  They are alleging that the Trump team orchestrated a massive scheme to coerce all seven battleground states to submit alternate certificates, file lawsuits, and have Vice President Mike Pence not accept the Biden slates on January 6th, then follow that with a planned insurrection if all else failed.

Of course if all of that were true, there should be consequences and legislation should be introduced to amend the statutes in an effort to eliminate that possibility from happening again.  But are those allegations true, or was the Trump team simply following a completely legal precedent set by presidential candidate John F. Kennedy in 1960?

On December 14th 2020, as 20 “prominent Democrats” gathered in Harrisburg Pennsylvania with then Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, to certify that Joe Biden had defeated Trump by about 80,000 votes, 20 Republicans were meeting at another location to sign alternate certificates for submittal to the National Archives and Congress, as required by law.  The Republicans called their conditional maneuver a “procedural vote”, claiming they were cast just in case a court ruling overturned Biden’s victory.  GOP State Chairman Bernie Comfort stated, “We took this procedural vote to preserve any legal claims that may be presented going forward.  This was in no way an effort to usurp or contest the will of the Pennsylvania voters.” [1]

Is that maneuver legal, or does it represent fraud, or forgery, as the January 6th Committee alleges?

From the verbatim excerpt of a Politico article [2], it’s obvious that the Trump legal team felt confident in the legality of submitting what some states said were conditional slates of electors, to wit:

“Republicans at the time emphasized that their decision to hold unsanctioned elector votes had a precedent. In 1960, three Democratic electors from Hawaii met to cast votes for John F. Kennedy, even though the election results showed that Richard Nixon had narrowly prevailed in the state. With a recount underway, those pro-Kennedy electors met to cast their votes anyway and submitted those results to Congress and the National Archives, the clearinghouse for elector certificates.

Hawaii’s recount ultimately reversed the outcome, showing Kennedy had won by fewer than 200 votes, and the state’s governor then certified the Democratic slate as well. On Jan. 6, 1961, the Democratic electors were the ones counted by Congress, with Nixon, then vice president, presiding.”

In the Hawaii case, a recount had narrowly overturned the results in Kennedy’s favor in time for the Governor to certify the Democrat slate, but those differences are not relevant because there were limited recounts in 2020 and Trump had pending lawsuits.  The legal basis established in the Kennedy case, was similar in that the opposing party submitted alternate slates of electors pending some future decision.

Of the seven contested battleground states (AZ, GA, MI, NV, NC, PA, and WI), only Georgia performed a statewide recount, and Wisconsin recounted votes in two counties.  None of the recount efforts produced any significant results that would have overturned the electoral votes.  Trump filed six lawsuits in Pennsylvania, challenging the vote counting process, primarily due to election laws being unconstitutionally modified without going through the state legislature.  All those suits were dismissed, and all of which takes time.

From the same Politico article, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), member of the January 6th Committee, said, “We want to look at the fraudulent activity that was contained in the preparation of these fake Electoral College certificates.”  Apparently, he is either ignorant of the 1960 precedent, or he was misrepresenting the facts, and expects the public to take his word for it.

Referring back to the Philadelphia Inquirer article [3], the Pennsylvania officials having hedged their maneuver by attaching the caveat that those certificates should only be counted in the event of Trump’s legal victory, seems to have dodged the forgery charge.  It would be reasonable to afford the same leniency to the other five states (AZ, GA, MI, NV, and WI) that submitted the alternate certificates, in consideration of the Kennedy precedent. 

Food for thought:  If the entire legal challenge had been coordinated from the White House, don’t you think that each state would have submitted their alternate slates under the exact same advice?  Why was Pennsylvania the only state submitting with the aforementioned caveat?  Without any evidence that those states colluded to collectively overturn the election, the entire Democrat conspiracy theory is deflated.    

[1]  Philadelphia Inquirer article, dated 13 Jan 2022


[2]  Politico article, dated 21 Jan 2022


[3]  Philadelphia Inquirer article, dated 13 Jan 2022


Republican vs. Democrat Platform

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

Yesterday, President Joe Biden conducted a solo press conference to close out his first year in office.

Despite all the delusion on display that he “has done as much in one year” as any President, and his frequent loss of thought train, the one thing he said that stuck out to me more than any other was his rhetorical question, “What are Republicans for?” “Name me one thing they’re for.”

I’m no Republican, but I’ll take that challenge.  Sorry, I can’t name just one

Republicans, in contrast to Democrats, are for:

• The Constitution

• The Bill of Rights

• Individualism and personal responsibility

• A free-market capitalist economy

• Secure borders that control legal immigration

• Law and order

• Lower taxes

• Energy independence

• Voter ID and election integrity

• Unification of all Americans

. . . and a few things Republicans are not for:

• Marxist socialism

• Centralized government in control of every aspect of life

• Collectivism, whereby the people are deemed too stupid to take care of themselves

• The “political paradise of communism”, per Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals

• Open borders advertising free stuff, courtesy of the American taxpayer

• Rampant crime sprees in major cities with “get out of jail free” cards

• Higher taxes

• Dependence on foreign energy due to restrictions on American producers

• Manufactured phony ballots that steal elections and disenfranchise actual citizens

• Division of Americans by race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and/or religion

That first list is essentially the Republican platform.  The second list is the Democrat platform.  Which one do you like?

Comments welcome

The Expansion of Voting Rights

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

Now the Democrats are desperately pushing passage of their proposed Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, hoping to ram those through Congress before this year’s mid-term election, just in case they lose control of the majority.  To facilitate that suddenly urgent agenda item, they claim it’s a great idea to eliminate the Senate filibuster in order to pass these voting reforms.

It’s a classic standoff between the Democrats who claim to be fighting for everyone to have easy access to voting rights, including non-citizens, with no proof of identity; and Republicans who hope to ensure that all votes are legitimate, cast by actual living citizens, and calling for Voter ID laws. Maybe we should send out mail-in ballots to China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. Why should they be excluded? Maybe we could include vouchers for taxpayer money if they vote Democrat. That sounds like something they might already have buried in their “pass it to see what’s in it” legislation. The unbelievable part is; they have no shame in promoting ideas like that. They actually think they are reasonable, or you are too stupid to question their motives.

President Biden was in Atlanta this past Tuesday lobbying for passage of both voting rights bills and a “carve out” of the filibuster.

Cedric Richmond, White House Senior Advisor, said Biden’s speech on January 6th was a “down payment” in building the case to the public that the foundations of the country’s democracy are under assault, in reference to the voting rights bills and elimination of the filibuster. 

The foundations are under assault alright, by Democrats lobbying for changes to Senate rules.  Although the founders did not establish the filibuster, it wasn’t long before it was adopted by the Senate.

Aaron Burr is often credited as the father of the American filibuster, when as Vice President in 1805, he suggested to the Senate that they should eliminate a rule that automatically cut off floor debate, then called the “previous question motion”.  The following year, the Senate dropped the motion from their rule book.  That opened the door for the filibuster as we know it.

The filibuster assures the American people that legislation adopted by Congress is well thought out and has garnered significant support.  It is designed to stop hair-brained ideas from being passed with a simple majority.  Any Senator can request the floor to speak without time limit, in an effort to convince other Senators that the proposed legislation should be further scrutinized. The Democrats portray that as stall tactics, and it is sometimes abused by speeches that have nothing to do with the issue at hand.  On this particular piece of legislation, Democrats are so desperate to enact their method of retaining power, they label Republicans as “obstructionists.” To prevent, or end a filibuster, a minimum of 60 Senators must agree, known as cloture, whereby the legislation can proceed to a vote. They know they can’t get 60 votes, so they claim the filibuster is blocking “progress” and push to “carve out” an exception to suit them.

To change the Senate rule Democrats need only a simple majority, a 50-50 tie that can be broken by the Vice President, a procedural maneuver known as the “nuclear option”.  Currently, Sen. Manchin (D-WV) and Sen. Sinema (D-AZ) oppose the carve out or elimination of the filibuster, but will they hold firm?     

The House may operate under the “we have to pass it to see what’s in it” Pelosi doctrine, but the Senate was created specifically, to be the more deliberative body.

The Freedom to Vote Act expands access to the ballot and shields election officials. Apparently that means more mail-in voting which opens the door to more fraud and an easier way to cheat.  That other provision to “shield election officials” looks pretty shady to me; “shield them from what”?  They just pulled off the most massive voter fraud in history with complete impunity.  I know, we have all been “informed” by the media propaganda machine that Trump’s claims of voter fraud were all debunked. Are you positive the 2020 election was fair and totally legitimate? When you gather over 1,000 independent witnesses who sign sworn Affidavits under penalty of perjury, that they saw various “irregularities” in several states that were “coincidently” battleground states, and have video evidence of election officials scanning highly questionable stacks of ballots, after kicking observers out of the room and boarding up the windows, it seems to me that something secretive was going on. So secretive, that Democrats want to “shield election officials” from legal jeopardy by legislation. Maybe they should rebrand the name and call it what it is, the Freedom to Cheat Act.

Joseph Geevarghese, Executive Director of Our Revolution, a pro Bernie Sanders group, said, “If we don’t pass the Freedom to Vote legislation, Democrats are going to get slaughtered in 2022 and 2024.  If people can’t get to the polls and exercise their right to vote, our power is in jeopardy and that’s what this is about.”

(Paine):  I’ll be bound.  Some honesty from a Democrat; their power is in jeopardy.  On the other hand, he claims Democrat voters can’t get to the polls, inferring they need mail-in ballots.  I’d advise him that polling places are everywhere, probably within walking distance from nearly every urban Democrat where their power base is located.  It’s not that hard folks.  Or is he painting Democrat voters as too stupid to figure out how to vote in person? Every American is expected to do whatever it takes to get vaccinated. Why can’t Democrat voters get to polling places if they are expected to find a place to get vaccinated?

In an article, dated October 20th, 2021, NPR, National Public Radio states, “Democrats say federal voting legislation is needed to counteract a wave of new restrictions from Republican-controlled state legislatures across the country. Critics of those laws say they are making it more difficult to vote, particularly for people of color.  The Freedom to Vote Act would have, among other things, established Election Day as a national holiday, set national minimum standards for early voting and voting by mail, and created new requirements for groups not currently required to disclose their financial donors. It also included standards for states that require voter identification, “[1]

(Paine):  “national minimum standards for early voting and voting by mail”? That sounds like a good way to manufacture thousands of ballots as needed in critical precincts in order to win any election.  And why is it so difficult to vote if you’re not white?  What does skin color have to do with it in the 21st century? In 1888 it was skin color that made it difficult to vote because southern Democrats suppressed the Black vote, then supporting the “party of Lincoln”, and gave incumbent President Grover Cleveland a 90,000 popular vote margin. But karma prevailed, and in the first instance whereby the presidency was decided by the Electoral College, Benjamin Harrison secured victory by the electoral vote of 233 to 168, on the strength of him winning the north and the west. Yet today, the “progressive” left insists the Electoral College is flawed and must be eliminated. How conveniently they disregard history.

Now the media calls these “new restrictions” voter suppression, and has people believing that evil Republicans are trying to deny the right to vote to “people of color”, failing to mention is was actually Democrats who suppressed the Black vote earlier. When a movement suggests their opposition is doing something they did themselves and infers it’s only nefarious this time, that’s propaganda. They are either too stupid to know the history, or they are being deceptive, or both. That’s simple logic.

Biden is on record vowing to “fight like heck” against voting restrictions being passed by Republican state legislatures.  [2]

(Paine):  I guess when Biden says “fight like heck” he’s a knight in shining armor; when Trump says the exact same phrase, he’s inciting a riot. (see my post, Trump’s Incitement to Riot)

And what exactly are these “voting restrictions” enacted by state legislatures?  Does that mean Republicans are requiring voters to prove who they are by showing a voter registration card?  Does it mean voters are supposed to be U. S. citizens?  Oh my, the horror.

The United States Constitution, ratified 1789, did not originally define who was eligible to vote, allowing each state to determine who was eligible.  Throughout the 19th century, voting rights began to expand to non-whites and citizens who did not own property.  Four of the fifteen post- Civil War constitutional amendments were ratified to extend voting rights to different groups of citizens.  These extensions state that voting rights cannot be denied or abridged based on the following:

  • Race, color, or previous condition of servitude (15th Amendment)
  • On account of sex (19th Amendment)
  • By reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax (24th Amendment)
  • Who are 18 years of age or older (26th Amendment)

Many states require eligible citizens to register to vote a set number of days prior to the election in order to vote.

Notice all these qualifications refer to citizens.  In what country are non-citizens given voting rights? I have yet to see any statutory justification for allowing non-citizens the right to vote in any election.

On the 15th of March 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th U. S. President, gave a speech before Congress in support of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which he had signed into law the previous July. In the speech he said, “Every American citizen must have an equal right to vote.” Notice he did not say “Every American must have the right to vote.” A Democrat President qualified the statement by restricting that right to citizens.

I agree, all citizens should be able to exercise their right to vote, after proving they are an American citizen. One verified citizen, one vote. I don’t mind mail-in ballots per se, as long as they are verified. But who is going to be in charge of the verification? Who is going to count the votes and who is going to oversee the counting? Maybe every citizen should be assigned a unique Voter ID Number, similar to a credit card number. The database could be sorted and scanned for duplicate entries very easily, managed by the Federal Election Commission. When voters relocate from one state to another, their new address would be revised in the database. The Voter ID Number could be attached to each Social Security Number. When a voter is deceased, that Voter ID Number would be eliminated upon notification from the Social Security Death Index. It’s not rocket science, just simple cooperation between the SSA and the FEC.

You don’t have to be a Republican to disagree with everything they stand for.  You just have to be sensible.

Comments welcome

[1]  National Public Radio, Oct 20th, 2021


[2]  Politico, Jan 9th, 2022


Trump’s Incitement to Riot

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

Could Trump’s January 6th rally be considered “Incitement to Riot”? Federal judge, Amit Mehta, appointed by Barack Obama on Dec 22nd 2014 to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, seems to think so. He has reprimanded Jesse Binnall, lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump, to “stick with the facts”, [1] in a hearing on Monday, January 10th, 2022, concerning Trump’s alleged incitement to riot at a rally held on January 6th, 2021, that preceded the so-called “insurrection” on the U.S. Capitol.

Binnell has claimed, correctly, that Trump told the crowd,

“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” [2]

Judge Mehta claims that qualifying statement should be ignored because later in the speech Trump said, “And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

What Business Insider and the MSM in general don’t want you to know, is the context of that statement.  Just a few sentences prior to the abovementioned quote Trump said, “We are the greatest country on Earth and we are headed and we’re headed in the right direction.

You know, the wall is built. We’re doing record numbers at the wall. Now, they want to take down the wall. Let’s let everyone flow in. Let’s let everybody flow in. We did a great job in the wall. Remember, the wall, they said it could never be done. One of the largest infrastructure projects we’ve ever had in this country, and it’s had a tremendous impact, that we got rid of catch and release. We got rid of all of this stuff that we had to live with.  But now, the caravans, I think Biden’s getting in, the caravans are forming again. They want to come in again and rip off our country. Can’t let it happen.  As this enormous crowd shows, we have truth and justice on our side. We have a deep and enduring love for America in our hearts. We love our country.  We have overwhelming pride in this great country and we have it deep in our souls. Together, we are determined to defend and preserve government of the people, by the people and for the people.”

Frankly, the media doesn’t show any respect whatsoever to their followers.  They just assume people are too lazy and too stupid to investigate anything on their own.  They are counting on the masses to believe anything they say, and don’t care about anyone who questions their “authority”, ridiculing all opposition as conspiracy theorists.  The media controls the social consciousness and if they want to put a certain spin on a story through omission, or deception, that’s what most folks will believe.

Elsewhere in the speech Trump said, “There’s so many weak Republicans. And we have great ones. Jim Jordan and some of these guys, they’re out there fighting. The House guys are fighting.”

Trump is using the word “fighting” in a different context than actual fisticuffs and acts of violence, you know, just like Democrats “fight” for their favorite causes.  Evidently, when it comes to Trump, Mehta thinks “fighting” can only be physical and violent. He’s painted himself as a moron.  

Mehta also forced Trump lawyers to explain his “hours of silence” during the January 6th attack, asking in court whether the President’s “inaction could be considered a tacit endorsement of the day’s violence”.

To which Binnett replied, “”The president cannot be subject to judicial action for any sort of damages for failing to do something,”  Trump didn’t even “fail to do something” at all, he did go on Twitter just two hours after the initial breach of the Capitol and called for his supporters to disband and go home.  But apparently there is a two hour time limit for such action to be recognized.

The headline of an NBC News article, dated Jan 14, 2021, [3] admitted that, “Trump’s speech is probably defensible in every court – except, perhaps, the Senate”.  In other words, even the far-left media admits there was no incitement to riot as defined by the actual federal statute.  They further admit that a speaker is not automatically liable for the actions of anyone who was at an intended peaceful demonstration, the speaker must have the intent to engage in the criminal conduct.

View the full text of the actual statute; 18 U.S. Code § 2101 – Riots at:


Of course, despite the Democrat controlled House impeachment of Trump , the Senate acquitted him of “incitement of insurrection” on Feb 13th 2021. 

Yet here we are, almost a year later, entertaining oral arguments in civil lawsuits brought by House Democrats and Capitol Police, determined to destroy a political comeback by any means necessary.  Maybe Judge Mehta should be advised of the facts.  Instead, we are awaiting the absurd findings of a kangaroo court.

Comments welcome  

[1] https://www.businessinsider.com/judge-obliterates-trump-lawyer-claim-peaceful-protest-capitol-riot-2022-1?amp

[2] https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial

[3] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-s-speech-probably-defensible-every-court-except-perhaps-senate-n1254258

Armed Insurrection is Imminent

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

Newsweek appears to be warning Americans that an “armed insurrection” is imminent. Under the headline, “Millions of Angry, Armed Americans Stand Ready to Seize Power If Trump Loses in 2024”, published on December 20th 2021 [1], David H. Freedman of Newsweek magazine is warning us that democracy is under attack. It’s under attack alright.  Not by the threat of armed militias, by the radical Marxist DNC and their Praetorian Guard, the mainstream media (MSM).

The piece is loaded with propaganda designed to make you think heavily armed militias are going to overthrow the government by force the day after Election Day, or whenever Democrats finish counting their votes, if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

Of course, all these heavily armed militias are “overwhelmingly white, Republican and southern or rural”, “stoked by misinformation”.

It doesn’t take long for a left-wing “journalist” to forget that the Hillary Clinton campaign mastered the art of political misinformation by funding and promoting the Great Russia Hoax of 2016.  But he did remember that all non-Democrats are what she termed a “basket of deplorables”.  So, just for the fun of it, I’m going to highlight some more of his “brilliant analysis”.

“Democrats worry that voter suppression and election interference from Republican state officials will deny millions of Americans their say at the polling booths.” Whoa now!  It was Democrat election officials in heavily controlled and highly protected polling stations denying access to Republican observers in every battleground state. Don’t believe your lying eyes that may have seen those videos of “election officials” kicking observers out of the room, and covering up the windows.

“Republicans claim, contrary to the evidence, that Democrats have already manipulated vote counts through fraud to steal a presidential election. An October CNN poll found that more than three-quarters of Republicans falsely believe Joe Biden’s 2020 election win was fraudulent.”

“Contrary to the evidence”?  Are you SURE? “CNN poll”?  I wonder if they wanted to project a certain slant?

I could get into the entire fraudulent election thing here, but frankly that’s a debate that deserves its own spot at a different time. For now I’ll just offer this scenario and let you be the judge:

• You are in Investigator.

• There is a cult that operates in several compounds across the country.

• The cult owns and manages the local newspapers.

• There are eyewitness reports of “irregularities”.  It could be any alleged crime.  For this example, I’ll say all of the young children are girls.  The baby boys have disappeared under mysterious circumstances and in several of the compounds.

• Over 1,000 eyewitnesses have signed sworn Affidavits under penalty of perjury.

• Every time you interview the cult leaders in each state, they deny all accusations using the exact same terminology among the different branches/chapters, as if they held a conference call.  Their cult-controlled newspapers don’t even mention the story.

Who are you going to believe?  A thousand independent affiants, or the affiliated cult leaders who have their own lives threatened if the evidence is revealed? That’s the DNC and the MSM in a nutshell.

Freedman goes on to question whether either side would accept the results of a close election that would “likely bring tens of millions of protesters and counter-protesters into the streets”, then warns that “although many Democrats might be inclined to demonstrate, a larger percentage of Republican protesters would almost certainly be carrying guns.”

He cites that “more than three-quarters of Republicans reported ‘low trust’ in the federal government in a Grinnell College national poll in October”, and further, “more than two out of three Republicans think democracy is under attack, according to the Grinnell poll . . . half as many Democrats say the same.” Those findings I can believe, because democracy is under attack – by the Democrats.

Then he inserts that a third of Democrats believe democracy is under attack by Republicans.  How could that even be possible right now?  Republicans currently hold no power in the federal government and unless CNN is on the scene of an organized insurrection at this moment, I don’t think there are any armed conflicts in progress, except for the daily slaughter of victims in Chicago, Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia, Detroit, etc., by street gangs.  Oh wait, didn’t Freedman just say the heavily armed militias were “overwhelmingly white, Republican and southern or rural”?

“Mainstream news publications are filled with howls of protest over political outrages by Republican leaders . . . “

Then he cites two newspapers; The Gaston Gazette of Gastonia, NC, which quoted “Thomas Paine’s exhortation to colonists to take up arms against the British”, and “a letter published in September in The New Mexico Sun likewise warns Republicans, “between the traditional Americans and those who want to impose socialism in this country and thus obtain complete government control of its citizens.”

“Mainstream”?  Are you kidding me right now?  I’m pretty sure the Gaston Gazette and the New Mexico Sun are NOT “mainstream”. In fact, I’d say we could confidently call Newsweek mainstream.

Whoever sent the letter to The New Mexico Sun is right, it’s traditional Americans versus those who want to impose socialism.

Thanks to The Gaston Gazette for remembering me, but I am NOT advocating real American patriots “take up arms” against the U.S. government.  My advice is to combat their Marxist ideology with common sense and win elections legitimately, with a keen eye on how they are conducted.  By ballot not bullet.

Comments welcome

[1] Newsweek Magazine, Dec 20,2021


The Socialist Agenda of Alinsky and Obama: Part 2

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

PART 2 – if you have not read Part 1 yet, please click HERE

Barack Obama burst onto the national stage during the 2004 Democrat National Convention in Boston, delivering the Keynote Speech that was revered by the affectionate media.     

On 30 October 2008 at a campaign rally in Columbia, Missouri, Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

(Paine):  That was the red flag that no one seemed to notice.  Did anyone think to ask him what he meant by “fundamentally transforming” America?  Into what?

Dr. Paul Kengor, Professor of Political Science at Grove City College, says that the definition of totalitarianism is to “seek to fundamentally transform – specifically, to fundamentally transform human nature via some form of political-ideological-cultural upheaval.” [1]

From Obama’s beginnings as a community organizer in Chicago, picking up where Alinsky left off, his modus operandi has been to divide and conquer along racial and ethnic lines, by socio-economic status, relentlessly pushing for the redistribution of wealth from the “Haves” to the “Have Nots”, by vilifying, ridiculing, and condemnation of all political opposition, by attacking traditional institutions, such as law and order, criminal justice, social values, the military,  and the Constitution itself.  The MSM dutifully carries the banner of the DNC.  Isn’t it ironic that the party of tolerance and diversity, a classic liberal tenet, has no tolerance for diverse opinions?

That is why I have said we are now the Divided States of America.  This discord between the liberal left and the conservative right has been simmering for many years, kept respectfully at bay until Barack Obama rose to power. The movement towards socialism/communism did not begin with Obama.  It’s origins go back into the late 19th century, but it has accelerated under his direction, following Alinsky’s playbook almost to the letter.  He is the one person most responsible for driving a wedge between political viewpoints and urging his followers to become more aggressive, more intolerant, more hateful, more divisive towards the “other side of the isle”. It was always his plan to “divide and conquer”, intentionally.

Patriots did not create this division. It was fomented by Obama in a deliberate effort to establish a grievance industry between the “Haves” and the “Have Nots”, to incite racial tension, and to entice all opposition into retaliations that could then be exploited by the left, using the media as his ideological delivery system. That is the true Obama legacy.

I only wish we could stop it and restore America back to the intentions of my fellow founders, a group of United States, with representatives of the people who truly serve to protect its citizens, bestows basic human rights to all men regardless of race, religion, sex, or creed, and offers opportunities for anyone to thrive.

Alinsky wrote, “From the moment the organizer enters a community he lives, dreams, eats, breathes, sleeps only one thing and that is to build the mass power base of what he calls the army.” [2]

(Paine):  How many U.S. Presidents have organized a 30,000 member group of political activists while in office?

ANSWER:  Just the one.  In fact, on his third day in office, Obama recruited and organized the Organizing for America (OFA) political action group, to which he appointed one of his campaign organizers as first Director.  Organizing for America was moved into and run by the Democratic National Committee to mobilize support for Obama’s policy agenda, and to campaign for re-election.  Supposedly separate from the DNC, and organized in all 50 states under national direction, the group filed for, and was granted tax-exempt status as a 501 (c)(4), “as long as it is not primarily involved in activity that could influence an election.”

WHAT?  Primarily?  I wonder if the activists had to document daily time sheets that were no more than 49% dedicated to campaigning?  Remember, it was run by the DNC and Obama’s hand-picked Director.  Tax status aside, the takeaway here is that he started this organization to push his socialist agenda, and it is still active today.

“Organizing for America is essentially a nation-wide lobby organization to promote and build support for Obama’s political agenda” [3]

“Organizing for America has provided logistical support to local community groups, including holding conference calls with volunteers, sponsoring events and house parties, using social networking and New Media, and providing talking points.” [4]

(Paine):  In other words, log in to the conference call and get your instructions.  You will be provided with the “proper” catch phrase on the issue of the week.  Have you noticed the collage-style video clips run by Fox News hosts with all the MSM talking heads echoing the same exact phrase?  That’s the propaganda machine regurgitating the message written and directed by the DNC, perhaps Obama himself.

Just recently, the Biden White House called several media outlets to the carpet, to pressure them into easing up on negative coverage due to his sinking approval ratings.  That sure seems like an Obama move.  Can we see the transcript of that phone conversation?

A newer version, rebranded in 2013, as Organizing for Action, refocused on OFA’s original mission, furthering Obama’s agenda.  He couldn’t just “ride off into the sunset” like every surviving President before him.  No, he believes he must direct the movement to complete his “fundamental transformation” of America into that “political paradise of communism” described by Alinsky.

(Paine):  If you know of any “political paradise” under communist rule that has ever existed in history, please let me know. 

Make no mistake, America as we have known it, is under attack.  It is happening right now.  It continues and escalates every day.  The DNC appears to be under the control of former President Obama.  It is his agenda that is progressing at an alarming pace.  Do you actually believe Joe Biden is running the country?  He can barely read a sentence off the teleprompter.  He’s a puppet being controlled by the “man behind the curtain.”

Their goal is to “fundamentally transform” America into a socialist nation, which will rapidly mutate into a communist nation.  They truly believe that the collective (government bureaucrats) must be in control of nearly aspect of life.  The individual is too stupid to care for himself/herself.  A massive bureaucracy must be in charge of everything in order to mold and shape society as they see fit, classic collectivism.  Nonconformists must be silenced and censored, a phenomenon we see more and more every week, with stories of prominent opponents having their social media accounts suspended by big tech oligarchs.  The “transformation” is in full swing.

Here’s another excerpt from Rules for Radicals;

“ORGANIZATION FOR ACTION will now and in the decade(s) ahead center upon America’s white middle class.  That is where the power is.   . . .

Activists and radicals, on and off our college campuses —people who are committed to change—must make a complete turnabout. With rare exceptions, our activists and radicals are products of and rebels against our middleclass society. All rebels must attack the power states in their society. Our rebels have contemptuously rejected the values and way of life of the middle class. They have stigmatized it as materialistic, decadent, bourgeois, degenerate, imperialistic, war-mongering, brutalized, and corrupt.” [5]

(Paine):  If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Obama wrote that.  He even named the 2013 version of his army almost exactly the same as Alinsky’s.  If you recall, Obama’s campaign slogan was “Hope and Change”.  What most people don’t realize is, he sees himself as the Supreme Commander of a revolution of his own creation, attacking the status quo, relentlessly proposing the transfer of wealth, from the “Haves” to the “Have Nots”, and establishing a communistic society.  That’s the “change”. If these radicals are so desperate for change, why don’t they start a GoFundMe campaign and buy their own island where they can live their own socialist utopia? True American patriots like this country just the way it was founded.

He says whatever he needs to say to make the “Have Nots” think they have “hope”, but hasn’t delivered any meaningful results.  He had 8 years as the most powerful man in the world.  How much better is life on the south side of Chicago now?  Or anywhere?

Comments welcome

[1] Kengor, Dr. Paul ; CNS News, 16 January 2017


[2] Alinsky, Saul D. ; Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals ;

Random House, New York, Vintage Books Edition, 1989 ; p.119

[3] Sourcewatch


[4] Wikipedia


[5] Alinsky, Saul D. ; Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals ;

Random House, New York, Vintage Books Edition, 1989 ; p.184

The Socialist Agenda of Alinsky and Obama: Part I

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  


The parallels between these two men is so deep, I’ve broken it up into two parts, giving a brief bio of Alinsky and some excerpts from his most famous work.  I’ve added a few comments along the way. 

Saul D. Alinsky (1909-1972), American “community activist” and political theorist, wrote a book titled, Rules for Radicals, a book about how to successfully run a movement for change.  His goal was to create a guide for future community organizers, to use in uniting low-income communities in order for them to gain by any means necessary social, political, legal, and economic power. [1]

(Paine):  We saw that “plan” in action every day for the entire summer of 2020 in Seattle, Minneapolis, and other cities, as rioters (pardon me, “mostly peaceful protesters”) converged on areas of their respective cities, to burn and loot without repercussion, as officials stood down under orders from “authorities”.  Organized groups like Antifa and BLM committing crimes in plain sight, on video, gaining social power “by any means necessary”, a favorite catch-phrase of the left. 

Alinsky was active in Chicago in the 40’s, organizing groups like the Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council (BYNC), and the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), through which he focused on the training of community organizers.

He remained at the forefront of revolutionary change during the tumultuous 60’s, inserting himself into the Rochester Race Riot of 1964, pressuring the community and it’s largest employer, Kodak, to open up employment and city governance to better opportunities for African Americans. [2]

In Rules for Radicals, from The Prologue, Alinsky opens the book with this line;

“THE REVOLUTIONARY FORCE today has two targets, moral as well as material. Its young protagonists are one moment reminiscent of the idealistic early Christians, yet they also urge violence and cry, ‘Burn the system down!’ They have no illusions about the system, but plenty of illusions about the way to change our world.” [3]

He goes on, “Dostoevski said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution.   . . .   A revolutionary organizer must shake up the prevailing patterns of their lives— agitate, create disenchantment and discontent with the current values, to produce, if not a passion for change, at least a passive, affirmative, non-challenging climate.” [4]

(Paine):  Tell me that doesn’t sound like Obama – from the victim/grievance attitude to “create disenchantment”, and a “passion for change”.

In the chapter titled, The Purpose, he starts out, “WHAT FOLLOWS IS for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be.  The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away.” [5]

Further, under The Ideology of Change, Alinsky said,

“The prerequisite for an ideology is possession of a basic truth. For example, a Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order or the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage—the political paradise of communism.” [6]

(Paine): Democrats can’t wait to arrive at their delusional “political paradise of communism”.

Under Class Distinctions: The Trinity, he wrote,

“Mankind has been and is divided into three parts: the Haves, the Have-Nots, and the Have-a-Little, Want Mores. On top are the Haves with power, money, food, security, and luxury. They suffocate in their surpluses while the Have-Nots starve. Numerically the Haves have always been the fewest. The Haves want to keep things as they are and are opposed to change.”

He goes on, “On the bottom are the world’s Have-Nots. On the world scene they are by far the greatest in numbers. They are chained together by the common misery of poverty, rotten housing, disease, ignorance, political impotence, and despair; when they are employed their jobs pay the least and they are deprived in all areas basic to human growth.  . . .   They hate the establishment of the Haves with its arrogant opulence, its police, its courts, and its churches. Justice, morality, law, and order, are mere words when used by the Haves, which justify and secure their status quo.

. . .  Between the Haves and Have-Nots are the Have-a-Little, Want Mores—the middle class. Torn between upholding the status quo to protect the little they have, yet wanting change so they can get more, they become split personalities. They could be described as social, economic, and political schizoids.” [7]

Rule No. 5 of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals is;

 “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.  It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule.  Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.” [8]

(Paine):  Remind you of anything the DNC and the media employs today?  They run that play like Vince Lombardi ran the power sweep.  We know they are going to run it.  They know we know they are going to run it.  And they know we can’t stop it because anyone who mentions it is vilified even further. 

Ridicule is the “bread and butter” play of the MSM propaganda campaign, constantly brainwashing their viewers that conservatives are nothing more than a “basket of deplorables”, a collection of uneducated racist hillbillies, implying that they hold some sort of moral superiority on the topic of discussion.  The infuriating part is that they overstate their own “authority” and hold the “bully pulpit”, the platform from which all this egregiously offensive behavior emanates.

It is the duty of true American patriots to speak out at every opportunity on any available outlet that the garbage being fed to unsuspecting consumers of “fake news” is pure propaganda.  Get involved.  Research the issues and critically analyze what the “right thing to do” should be in terms of adhering to the Constitution and our founding documents.  Typically, you’ll find that virtually every proposal the DNC comes up with is anti-American, and requires a transition towards communism.

SIDEBAR:  Antifa is an international organization whose name implies they are “anti-fascist”, yet they demonstrate fascist tactics on a regular basis.  They are in fact, self-contradictory 

Alinsky’s biographer, Sanford Horwitt, credits Alinsky “more than anybody . . . for demonstrating that community organizing could be a lifelong career.”  Horwitt saw the influence that Alinsky had on Barack Obama’s work in Chicago as Director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP) from June 1985 to May 1988. [9]

As you will see in Part 2, those influences developed into much more than mere community organizing.  Obama used many of Alinsky’s principles to attack the foundations of America, not by circumstance, but by design.

Comments Welcome.

[1] Wikipedia


[2] Wikipedia


[3] Alinsky, Saul D. ; Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals ;

Random House, New York, Vintage Books Edition, 1989 ; p.6

[4] ibid. ; pp. 11-14

[5] ibid. ; p. 19

[6] ibid. ; p. 25

[7] ibid. ; pp. 32-33

[8] ibid. ; p. 132

[9] Wikipedia


Democrats Love Socialism: The Radicalization of the DNC and the MSM

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.  If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained suffer a defeat.  If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

  —  Sun Tzu, The Art of War

The Democrats love socialism. They are in total unison to effect the “change” promised by Barack Obama by “fundamentally transforming” America. We must understand who we are dealing with and we must be resolute in our mission.  The Democrat Party, which is governed by the Democrat National Committee (DNC), and their well-oiled propaganda machine, the mainstream media (MSM), is our ideological enemy.  It is the duty of every American Patriot to recognize the radicalization that is well underway.

The New York Times Building in NYC and reminder that their perspective is the “Wrong Way”

NOTE: when I mention the MSM, I am referring to the “alphabet” networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and most of the major news organizations like the New York Times, and the Washington Post, which have largely abandoned objective journalism, for blatant, opinion based editorials. They are often collectively referred to as the “legacy media”.

They are a formidable foe and it will not be easy to defeat them, but it is possible if we employ an effective stratagem.  Sun Tzu said the highest form of generalship is to block the enemy’s plans; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.  It would be foolish and suicidal to send a rebel force into battle against the U.S. military.  In the American Revolution we stood face-to-face against the most powerful army in the world, and wore them down by attrition until they lost the will to continue fighting.  That tactic would not work today.

We must win the battle of words by convincing voters that traditional American values are far superior to the radical Marxist ideas emanating from the Democrat Party.

There was a time when the Democrat Party was a respectable political organization.  They brought their voting base into their camp by hailing the virtues of fighting for the little guy, the underprivileged, the oppressed and minority groups, painting themselves as the champions of all noble causes, and claiming the “moral high ground” on virtually any issue.  It always sounded so wonderful and millions were convinced their favorite candidates would “fight like Hell” to bring about the changes they promised would make life better for all Americans.  Those days are over.

Today’s DNC is being led by an extreme radical left-wing faction driving this country towards communism at a rapid pace.  The evidence is everywhere.  This is not your father’s DNC.  This is an entirely different political movement, and the sad part is, many Democrat voters don’t even realize how drastically their party has changed.  The individual voter is not to blame.  Most of them go about their ordinary lives and when the time comes to do their civic duty, they simply vote the way they always have.  It’s only natural that they remain loyal to the political persuasion they were exposed to when they were growing up. 

People become “set in their ways”, forming their worldview at a relatively early age.  Senior citizens aren’t going to sway each other politically, but younger voters who may have experienced some of the disappointment the DNC regularly offers, could be ready for a change.  Plus there will always be new voters coming of age, and those coming off the sideline for messages that resonate.  Those are hearts and minds we must win.

We must expose the DNC as a Marxist movement and convince some of their voting base that the result of their leadership is communism.  As true American patriots, our mission is to resist every machination of their agenda, formulate better ideas, and shout them from the rooftops, to defeat them at the ballot box, and place our representatives in the halls of Congress. I’m not saying you should love every Republican, but when you consider the alternative, it’s no “no-brainer”. 

The American media has openly discarded all pretext of fair, balanced journalism, and collectively morphed into a Democrat controlled propaganda machine, substituting objectivity with clearly biased opinion based “reporting”, and outright vilification of anyone who doesn’t agree with their delusional moral superiority. The media promotes the “politically correct” position on every issue, a term often applied with ludicrous reasoning and no consideration for “unintended consequences”. They constantly lobby for reforms that they believe can be implemented without serious negative reactions. We must support the efforts of any opposing voice and defend their right to express opinions that deviate from the politically correct narrative. 

Listen to everything they say, with extreme skepticism, and a critical mind.  Almost everything they say, and do, defies simple logic, or ignores the inevitable negative ramifications to the detriment of many of the people they claim to champion.

politically correct

[ puhlit-ik-lee kuhrekt ]SHOW IPASee synonyms for: politically correct / political correctness on Thesaurus.com

adjective marked by or adhering to a typically progressive orthodoxy on issues involving especially ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or ecology: Abbreviations: PC, P.C.

NOTE:  The adjacent definition is from Dictionary.com.  Notice how their coining of the term “politically correct”, entices the audience into thinking it’s the proper position, the acceptable mindset on identity politics, and/or the right thing to do; classic brainwashing

Let’s look at two examples:

The Vax Passport: Pretzel Logic

We now find ourselves subjected to Soviet style interrogation for some of our normal activities.  Policies have already been adopted to show proof of vaccination in order to enter restaurants and sporting venues.  Proposals are well under way to implement the same restrictions for domestic flights.  You will no longer be permitted to travel freely in your own country.  Let THAT sink in a minute.

In the next breath they say the vaccination won’t prevent you from contracting COVID.  It only reduces the risk of serious illness and hospitalization. 

Talk about theater of the absurd.  Simple logic dictates that if the vaccination won’t prevent you from getting COVID, how does showing your “Vax Passport” protect other people inside a restaurant?  They won’t answer that question, because they can’t.  But they will call you an uneducated insensitive bastard and all the talking heads in the MSM will vilify you incessantly.

CNN “”expert” panel
NOTE:  by the way: it’s pretty clear by the outrageous statements you see and hear from the MSM, that they believe their viewers are too stupid to realize they are being lied to constantly.  They actually think people are supposed to agree with them on everything, remain silent and obey.  They give their viewers no respect whatsoever as critical thinkers.  How dare you question their authority.  I will have much more on the MSM in the coming weeks.

Illegal Immigration: The Ripple Effect

The “open border” policy declared by the Biden administration as soon as he stepped into office, doesn’t have anything to do with humanitarian relief for underprivileged foreign nationals seeking a better life.  It’s purely political.  Give these illegals everything for free and they will vote Democrat as long as the support continues.  Tax the wealthy more to pay for it (or, at least some of it) and let the media flout the virtues of how the DNC is so compassionate to the underprivileged and how the rich should pay their “fair share”.  What they don’t tell you is the negative impact on the economy, in the form of lower wages, the rise in crime, the extra burden on schools, hospitals and infrastructure, the health risks of unscreened immigrants released into the interior amid a pandemic.  They don’t give a damn about actual American citizens.  All they care about is maintaining their own power by importing illegitimate voters.

The war has begun.  This is a call for all true American patriots to stand up and be heard.  Do not be intimidated by their fascist tactics of ridicule and censorship.  Their support is based on deception, misrepresentation, and lies.  We hold the high moral ground.  It is our duty to defend America by saving this country from the heinous Marxist movement being ushered in by the DNC. 

Comments welcomed.