Biden Launches Dystopian Disinformation Governance Bureau

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

Less than 48 hours after Elon Musk acquired Twitter, President Biden announced a new prong of the DNC’s Marxist socialist agenda by forming the Disinformation Governance Bureau, a dystopian agency under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security, tasked with monitoring the freedom of speech exercised by anyone criticizing the current regime.  As Director, he named none other than Nina Jankowicz, a former “disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center”, who advised the Ukrainian government on strategic communications under the auspices of a Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellowship.  [1] 

Biden selected Nina Jankowicz to lead the
Department of Homeland Security’s
Disinformation Governance Bureau.

She repeatedly debunked and denied the existence of Hunter Biden’s laptop when she was writing articles for the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other far-left publications.  In other words, she has previously fulfilled the role of Joseph Goebbels for Joe Biden and her appointment is payback.

The Disinformation Governance Bureau (DGB) appears to be a direct response to Musk’s intentions to eliminate censorship by Twitter.  The DGB will closely monitor Twitter users and swiftly intervene on content they don’t approve, to label it as “disinformation”, countering free speech with their own brand of propaganda.  The Bureau is, in itself, suppression of free speech and is thereby an unconstitutional violation of the first amendment rights of American citizens.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said, “Surely, no American administration would ever use the power of government to sit in judgment on the First Amendment speech of its own citizens.  Sadly, I was mistaken.”  [2]

The Department issued the following statements intended to justify the creation of the DGB: 

•  ”The spread of disinformation can affect border security, Americans’ safety during disasters, and public trust in our democratic institutions.” 

•  “The board will protect privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties as part of its duties.”  [3]

You’re going to need a full rubber suit to avoid that wave of crap.  The truth is completely opposite of that nonsense.

History reminds us of similar organizations, notably the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, headed by Joseph Goebbels.  In late April 1930, Adolph Hitler appointed Goebbels to oppose Gregor Strasser, a leading Nazi organizer in northern Germany, whose policies conflicted with Hitler’s vision of the Nazi Party, naming him Reich leader of Nazi Party Propaganda.  One of his first acts was to ban Strasser’s Nationaler Sozialist newspaper and was then given control of other Nazi papers across the country, including the party’s national newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter (People’s Observer).  The goal of Goebbels’ Reich Ministry was to “centralise Nazi control of all aspects of German cultural and intellectual life”.  [4] 

The propaganda ministry was organised into seven departments: administration and legal; mass rallies, public health, youth, and race; radio; national and foreign press; films and film censorship; art, music, and theatre; and protection against counter-propaganda, both foreign and domestic.  [5]  The DNC’s “democrat socialists” who obviously are running the country today have an uncanny resemblance to the “departments” of the Reich Ministry.

In 1954 the Soviet Union formed the KGB, or Committee for State Security (Eng. translation), tasked with “the protection of the country’s political leadership, the supervision of border troops, and the general surveillance of the population.”  Every Soviet leader depended on the KGB (substitute DGB here) for information, surveillance of key elites (think: targeted American conservatives), and control of the population.  [6]  

Looking at the scope of propaganda exercised by the Reich Ministry, and the role of the KGB, we can see the similarities to the current DNC.  Democrats are protected by the mainstream media, who collude to censor all negative stories, often blatantly lying to the public about real scandals that deserve scrutiny.  They have no defense and can’t formulate legitimate arguments, so they immediately deflect by playing the race card, or unleashing intentionally divisive vitriol designed to enrage their moronic followers.  Hollywood and “big tech” dutifully march to the same drumbeat.  The media controls the social consciousness.  That which is exposed by the few alternate sources of information is uniformly denied and ridiculed as “conspiracy theories”.  They echo the exact same phrases across the various news outlets, as if they all “zoomed” a conference call to brainstorm the precise wording.  We have all seen the video montages that would be hilarious if they weren’t true.  And they don’t even care how ridiculous they sound, because they know their viewers will believe anything they say.  It’s a shame the “useful idiots” don’t realize their authoritarian “leaders” give them no credit whatsoever.

The Democrats have enacted Soviet-style communist tactics against American citizens by closing businesses, locking down schools, and mask mandates, all under the guise of “public health”.  Now, the Biden administration has launched the DGB to counter everything they determine is “propaganda”, headed by a woman who protected her “leader” by spreading Biden-approved (no doubt) “misinformation” in attempting to debunk the “Hunter’s laptop” scandal.

This is not a drill.  The far-left faction of the DNC seems to be in control (although I could argue everything we see happening today is at the direction of one man).  Their Marxist socialist agenda is barreling down on us in overdrive.  They know they have the power and the full protection of the media, the justice system, and a thoroughly divided nation.  Their game plan is to “fundamentally transform” America as quickly as possible.  Patriots must unite behind any and all political opposition, regardless of name or reputation.  It doesn’t matter who is running against them.  We must destroy the DNC by voting all of them out at the earliest opportunity.  VOTE, because your life depends on it, and those of your children and grandchildren. 

Comments always welcomed.


[1] Crane, E. & Nelson, S. ; Biden Blasted for Policing Free Speech with ‘Dystopian’ Disinformation Bureau ; New York Post, April 28, 2022

[2] ibid.

[3] ibid.

[4] Longerich, P. ; Goebbels: A Biography ; Random House, New York ; pp. 128-129 ; 2015 ; Wikipedia

[5] Manvell, R. & Fraenkel, H. ; Doctor Goebbels: His Life and Death ; Skyhorse, New York ; pp. 140-141 ; 1960 ; Wikipedia 2010

[6] Pringle, Robert ; Britannica

The Puppet Master Raises His Head

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.

Every red-blooded American patriot knows the DNC has been hijacked by the radical left-wing faction within their party, Hell-bent on “fundamentally transforming” the United States into a Marxist socialist society.  And they are proceeding at an alarming pace.  But who exactly is directing everything?  In my, almost never, humble opinion (IMANHO), the answer is painfully obvious.

Is Biden running the show?  Puhhleeez.

Is The Squad (AOC, Omar, Tlaib, and Pressley) in charge?  C’Mon man.  It has to be someone more powerful than that.

Kamala?  Yeah, right.  She’s nothing more than word salad nonsense.

Oh wait.  Have we forgotten someone?  You know, the guy who organized a 30,000 member army of activists to further his agenda, which has always been to destroy America.  Yeah, THAT guy.  Here’s a couple pictures of him, just to remind you  —-

He made his first return to the White House recently (Tuesday, April 5, 2022) to stir up some excitement with the base Democrats amidst sinking poll numbers for the “most popular” President in history.  I’m sure all 81 million voters saw the video of their man being overshadowed by their Messiah.

Watch the video in the link to see poor old Joe being upstaged by his former, and current, boss.

The conservative media all dutifully expressed their sadness for the latest high profile Democrat criminal.  I know, he hasn’t been charged with anything, so all accusations are purely alleged.  Never mind the growing list of credible evidence, some of it already verified to have serious implications (Hunter’s laptop).  But remember, the Attorney General is always appointed by the President, and presumed to be impartial.  I suspect that isn’t even close to an accurate perception.  Basically Merrick Garland is the commanding officer of the DNC Praetorian Guard. 

Despite numerous opportunities to prosecute Hillary Clinton, among other high-ranking Democrats, with plenty of evidence, Trump’s AGs never brought any charges against them in four years, all while he was under intense investigation himself.  But when the Democrats are in charge, the DOJ exhibits a little more “enthusiasm” (Loretta Lynch and Obama’s “wing man” Eric Holder).  It’s almost like the Democrats are above the law, while Republicans get accused of phony scandals and must constantly remain on defense, perhaps as a stratagem.

Dare I suggest that Obama deserves a little investigating himself?  Let me lay out a few facts and see if we can connect the dots to form a theory based on a pattern, or theme, to the actions he has taken.  Critics and deniers will try to denounce all this, calling it all part of a right-wing conspiracy theory, and labelling me a racist.  So to back up some allegations, I offer details, to wit:

•  Obama is a disciple of Saul Alinsky – Alinsky was a prominent community organizer in Chicago, founding several organizations in the 1940s that recruited various ethnicities and generated a grievance industry.  (sound familiar?) In his book, Rules for Radicals, under The Ideology of Change, Alinsky advocates for the “reorganization into a new social order” leading to the “political paradise of communism”.  I’ll be damned; “change”, “new social order”, and the “paradise of communism”.  That almost sounds like the mantra of todays’ DNC.                                                     

Following two years in New York City at Columbia University and two years of employment, Obama moved to his “hometown”, Chicago, at the age of 23, becoming Director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP) from June 1985 to May 1988, then traveled to Europe and Kenya for about 2 months.  In the summer of 1988 he entered Harvard Law School.  While at Harvard, Obama went to Los Angeles to attend a “national training course on Alinsky methods of organizing” [1], graduated in 1991 and returned to Chicago.  He taught courses at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years (1992-2004), including eight years as a Senior Lecturer, teaching courses in due process and equal protection, voting rights, and racism and law.  Hmmm, “voting rights” and “racism”; two high profile issues being championed by Democrats today.  Although they never met (Alinsky died in 1972), you can clearly see that Obama was hugely influenced by Alinsky by reading my two-part series, The Socialist Agenda of Alinsky and Obama

•  In a speech Obama gave during a campaign rally in 2008, Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”  He wasn’t kidding.  That “transformation” is right now on “full throttle” and it means he intends to change the United States into a socialist/communist society.

•  Obama’s 2008 campaign slogan was “Hope and Change” – the deliberate deception was to make the listener think he meant he was offering them hope that he could effect real change in terms of improving their lives.  In reality, he intended to change America into a socialist state using Alinsky’s blueprint.

•  Soon after his inauguration, he starts pushing for “universal health care”, a key pillar of socialism.  The result was the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA, commonly known as ObamaCare).  All the well-founded criticism about most of the working class losing their preferred health care didn’t matter.  The worn-out promise “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”, became a joke, and premiums skyrocketed for harder to find doctors in the system.  I don’t want to deny health care to needy patients, wealthy or not, but we didn’t need to overhaul he entire system to accommodate relatively few people.  And now we have socialist health care that is inferior to the system we previously had.  If you think the government should be in charge of health care, ask a veteran how he rates the VA.

•  Another big agenda item on Obama’s list was education reform.  If you recall, it was during the early years of the first Obama term that Democrats started ramping up their campaign for free college tuition, college loan debt forgiveness, and the Common Core curriculum came to be.  “In general, socialists believe the government should provide a range of basic services to the public, such as health care and education, for free or at a significant discount.”  [2]                   

Have you ever seen a typical Common Core math problem?  It’s literally insane.  In Obama’s mind, he had tackled two of the biggest institutions with socialist reforms.  It was time to divide and conquer the social consciousness by waging class warfare, creating racial animosity, vilifying the police, and exploding the national debt, all intentionally designed to crush the working middle class and split the country into two antagonistic factions.  Attacks on critical institutions like the welfare system and the military were soon to follow. 

•  To take America down a few notches, he figured he would decimate the military.  There has always been resistance to excessive military spending, some of it justifiable.  Obama knew he could exploit that, starting with some general support.  The actions he took to cripple the military are too numerous to mention here, but one of the most demoralizing moves he ordered was to issue “pink slips” (notices of impending layoffs) to officers in the combat zone of Afghanistan.  Imagine being in the theater of war, literally hoping you don’t get killed at any moment, and receiving a pink slip.  Is that really necessary?  Couldn’t it have been delayed until the officer returned home?  Of course.  But the object was to demoralize the officers, and thereby distract them from their life-threatening duties, giving them something else to think about.  Despicable, and arguably treasonous!

•  Then Chief Counterterrorism Advisor, John Brennan, received a letter dated  October 19, 2011, from signatories of 57 Islamic organizations, complaining of  “biased, false and highly offensive training materials about Muslims and Islam” inside the federal government’s instructional halls, and demanded that biased trainers be disciplined, that all instructors undergo retraining and that materials deemed offensive by Muslim activists be purged.  Within six months, the Department of Defense ordered Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley to cease and desist  teaching a Pentagon pre-approved course that prepared commissioned officers for deployment to the Middle East; the Department of Homeland Security was ordered to scrub the watch list of suspected terrorists; and the Department of Justice ordered the FBI to purge their watch list and cease the profiling of suspected Islamic terrorists.  All three of those cabinet departments were headed by Obama appointees who had only one boss, Obama himself. 

More than 300 identified terrorists, mostly foreign nationals, were scrubbed from the system under the guise of civil rights, as if terrorists deserve the same civil rights as American citizens.  Philip Haney, founding member of DHS and developer of the TECS system for collecting and organizing data on suspected terrorists, author of the book See Something, Say Nothing, said, “What I witnessed suggests the Obama administration is more concerned with the rights of non-citizens in known Islamist groups than with the safety and security of the American people”.  Haney was found dead of a gunshot wound on February 21, 2020 in a park and ride lot near his home in California, ruled a suicide, but possibly assassinated.  The local Sheriff’s Department is still waiting for the FBI to complete its investigation.

The attacks that followed:

15 Apr 2013: The Tsarnaev brothers detonate two bombs at the Boston Marathon – 3 dead, 264 wounded.  An FBI-led Boston Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) Officer questioned Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011 and closed his case.  In January 2012, Tsarnaev boarded a flight to Moscow, which triggered an alert to the Boston JTTF Officer.  He failed to follow up.  Then the Russians notified the CIA of Tsarnaev’s activities and the CIA alerted several agencies including the FBI, the DHS, and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), which placed Tsarnaev on a “watch list”.  The NCTC referred the case to the FBI’s Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force (FTTTF), and the FTTTF analyst who reviewed the case determined the information was the same as the original JTTF assessment, despite the intermediate trip to Russia/Dagestan, and dropped the case.  [3]

2 Dec 2015: Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik attack the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, CA – 14 dead, 22 wounded.  The San Bernardino terrorists were affiliated with Tablighi Jamaat.  Philip Haney claims that if his case had remained open, there would have been two red flags raised prior to the attack.  Either Farook would have been placed on the “no-fly” list or Malik would have been denied a visa based on Farook’s association with the known terrorist organization.

12 Jun 2016: Omar Mateen blocks the only unlocked exit inside an Orlando, FL nightclub and opens fire with semi-automatic weapons – 49 dead, 53 wounded.  Mateen came to the attention of the FBI in 2013 when co-workers reported he had made inflammatory comments claiming connections to foreign terrorists. They opened a case and placed him on a terrorist watch list for over a year.  The FBI interviewed Mateen again following a May 2014 bombing in Syria based on his contact with the suicide bomber, who had attended the same mosque.  They ended their investigation after a third interview found no credible evidence that he posed a terrorist threat.  The mosque in Fort Pierce, Florida frequented by Omar Mateen is also affiliated with the Tablighi Jamaat network.

All of these terrorist attacks have common threads:

1. they were all committed by Islamic extremists, or “radical” Islamists.

2. two of the three were affiliated with the same terrorist network – the Tablighi Jamaat

3. two of the three were committed by terrorists who were on the FBI “radar screen”, more than once.

4. all of them could plausibly have been prevented by Philip Haney’s program if it had been permitted to continue.

This is my personal favorite act of alleged treason committed by Obama, among several “contestants”.  It was a deliberate act that exposed American citizens to a very real threat, and left blood on his hands.

•  Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan was “Forward” – a term long associated Europe’s radical left wing.  “A column by Russian immigrant Svetlana Kunin, for Investor’s Business Daily, said Obama seeks to move America forward to ‘total government involvement in people’s lives.’ “ [4]

In his book, Radical in Chief, Stanley Kurtz called Obama a “stealth socialist”, saying, “over the long term, Obama’s plans are designed to ensnare the country in a new socialism, a stealth socialism that masquerades as a traditional sense of fair play, a soft but pernicious socialism similar to that currently strangling the economies of Europe.”  [5]  Kurtz recognized that Obama is playing the long game, and exploiting the natural instinct of liberal minds to embrace compassion towards the “Have-Nots”, as Alinsky called them.  How many times did you hear him say the millionaires and billionaires (the “Haves”) should pay their “fair share” in taxes to subsidize the “Have-Nots”?  Deliberate class warfare.  Divide and conquer.

Ken Blackwell, former Ohio Secretary of State, said, “My fundamental belief is that he wants to transform our market economy into a government-controlled economy – not far afield from European-style socialism.” [6]  There’s that word again, ‘transform’.

•  During the 2016 election cycle, it was widely accepted that Hillary Clinton, the Queen of Corruption, would carry on with Obama’s agenda.  All the polls told us it was inevitable that she would be coronated.  As an insurance policy, she and her campaign brain trust, concocted a phony opposition research scheme that implicated Donald Trump as a Russian agent.  The propaganda arm of the DNC, the mainstream media, was eager to promote the story.  As it turned out, Trump won the election, legitimately, and the entire smear campaign was exposed as a complete lie financed by the Clinton campaign.  Meanwhile, Obama had to put his plans on hold until the Democrats won back the White House, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.  They assured Joe Biden that he could hide away in his basement during the campaign season of 2020.  They would make sure Trump was not re-elected.  Using the COVID pandemic as an excuse to lobby for mail-in voting, and massive fraud in battleground states, they somehow produced 81 million votes for a candidate who hardly even poked his head out during the campaign.  The Trump legal team collected over 1,000 independent sworn affidavits from witnesses who claimed they saw various “irregularities” at polling places in seven states.  The DNC simply denied everything, echoed by the MSM, and the courts dutifully dismissed the cases.  Texas brought a case before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of four states, which is perfectly allowable, and on December 11, 2020, SCOTUS announced they would not consider the case because it “had no basis”.  No basis?  Are you serious? 

At that point, there was no stopping the Biden inauguration, despite a January 6th “mainly peaceful” protest on the U.S. Capitol that Democrats immediately called an “insurrection”.  To this day, the FBI and recruited antagonists have not been completely exonerated in their incitement of the “riot”.  And of course, the DOJ has no intention of exploring that avenue of investigation.

•  In the 2018 midterm primary, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) won a shocking victory over powerful Democrat Caucus Chair, 10 time incumbent, Joe Crowley.  She immediately formed a coalition with Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), naming themselves “The Squad”, and began lobbying for alternative energy sources they termed the “Green New Deal”, which called for a quick transition to renewable resources and abandonment of fossil fuels.  Fast forward a few years and it seems The Squad has hijacked the entire DNC and is directing policy from the House of Representatives.   

•  Enter “Quid Pro” Joe Biden: Remember the Ukraine scandal of 2020?  That time VP Joe Biden withheld $1 billion in funding to Ukraine unless they fired the respected prosecutor who was zeroing in on his son, Hunter.  He bragged about it on camera.  Check out the video at
Biden brags about withholding aid from Ukraine unless they fire the Prosecutor investigating his son, Hunter

By this time, Biden is mentally declining, to put it mildly, and Obama will find it easy to manipulate everything from behind the scenes, which is exactly what is going on right now.  After all, he didn’t recruit an army of over 30,000 activists to further his agenda for no reason.  They had “work” to do.

•  On his first day in office, Biden halted the Keystone XL pipeline and issued Executive Orders that effectively shut down domestic oil and gas production by eliminating exploration on federal lands.  Apparently, Biden is beholden to The Squad and will not budge on his war against American energy, even in the face of serious shortages and rapid inflation due to the current Russia/Ukraine conflict.  He has even pledged to increase exports of U.S. produced LNG to Europe by 15 bcm (billion cubic meters) this year, and increase those exports to 50 bcm annually through 2030.  To put that in perspective, we sent Europe about 22 bcm last year, and the total U.S. production is only about 100 bcm.  Simple logic tells us that less supply for Americans means higher prices.  But never mind you hurting Americans.  You can just pay $5 a gallon for your gas, or buy an electric car.  Is this just stubborn old Joe, as if he can analyze anything, or is there a bigger picture lurking in the shadows?  An opportunity for Obama to strike a devastating blow to the American economy.  This whole pandemic and Russian aggression thing is working out really well for a guy who wants to destroy a country. 

Looking down the road, he quite possibly sees a replacement for Biden in 2024, perhaps another easily controlled “candidate”.  Maybe even somebody he lives with and could place on a pedestal, convincing his moronic voting base that Michelle would be a fine first woman President.  We know the media will be ecstatic.  He’s even on record as saying he could control someone by giving instructions through a hidden earpiece.  Sound ludicrous?  Don’t be surprised when they nominate Michelle.  Then he’d have eight more years to “fundamentally transform” America.



[1] Lizza, Ryan ; The New Republic, March 19, 2007 ; The Agitator: Barack Obama’s Unlikely Political Education – courtesy Wikipedia, Footnote 58                                 

[2] Haltiwanger, John, Business Insider, February 11, 2020

[3] Excerpts from an article by Susan Zalkind, Boston Daily, 11 Apr 2014 under headline, “FBI Admits It Missed Opportunities to Stop Tamerlan Tsarnaev”

[4] CNBC ; Election 2012: Is Obama a Socialist? ; June 4, 2012                                        

[5] ibid., Kurtz, Stanley, Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a conservative Washington think tank

[6] ibid.



The Media Propaganda Machine

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

The mainstream media has unquestionably become a propaganda machine for the Democrat party.  There is no denying it.  They openly display their bias every day.  That is an established fact.

Knowing the power of the press is incredibly effective in forming the social consciousness, we as American Patriots, must expose their misrepresentations at every instance.  We cannot be intimidated from speaking the truth for fear of the tech giants de-platforming our voices.  Censorship is fascism, PERIOD!

There is a consortium of tech giants, Twitter, Facebook, Google, and a few others, who control the narrative and regulate the public discourse through social media.  They are fully supported by the big networks and most major newspapers, and are collectively known as the “mainstream media” (or MSM).  Together, in complete collusion, they act as the Praetorian Guard of the DNC, offering protection from all dissenting opinion, criticism, and legal jeopardy.  They are bodyguards, promoters, and protectorates of the Marxist socialist movement.

The MSM operates under two underlying principles;

  1. “If you tell a big lie often enough, it will become the truth”

            —  Joseph Goebbels

The MSM, on a regular basis, disseminates information that has been     slanted to support the Marxist socialist agenda, combining deception and omission to portray the “story” the way they want you to perceive it.  The message could be partially true and partially false, or even a total lie, but they will repeat it ad nauseum until they are confident their audience believes it.  And they double down against any challenge, while ridiculing the opposition.

2. The MSM believes their viewers and listeners are fools. 

While the elite leftists run around crowing about how intelligent they are, their favorite media outlets give them no credit whatsoever.  They will beat a false narrative into the people, either knowingly, or in their own ignorance, expecting to win a numbers game.  They figure so many people are too stupid to do their own due diligence by researching anything, and those are the folks they are counting on to accept their portrayal of the message.  They don’t even care about push-back from their opposition.  They just call that racism, or right-wing conspiracy theories, knowing their loyalists will cheer along.  But it’s even worse than that.

Censorship is a huge element of classic fascism.  It’s not enough that the MSM is regularly distorting the facts, by misrepresentation, deception, and outright omissions with zero coverage of important events.  The big tech oligarchs have entire departments dedicated to monitoring the content of their users and filtering out opinions they disagree with.  All users, organizations, and individual posts are subject to the approval of their partisan “fact checkers”.  Almost everyone still reading this has been “incarcerated” (unfairly) in Facebook jail.  And the censorship movement is gaining momentum.

I just got this “fact checked” censorship notice this morning.

Here is the post they censored.Maybe Facebook did not announce their mistake. I don’t know. But the point of the meme is that HCQ actually could have saved lives and censorship is fascism.

Just over two years ago, The Atlantic published a piece titled, Instagram Is the Internet’s New Home for Hate. [1]

The author, Ms. Taylor Lorenz, now writing for that bastion of uber-liberalism, the Washington Post, hypothesizes that the popular social media platform Instagram is nothing more than a sounding board for right-wing conspiracy theories.  Her analysis consists of anecdotes “DM”ed to her by high school students and some of her own cursory research of the platform.  I don’t hold any financial interest in Instagram, or its’ parent organization, Meta, but this smacks of a generalized attempt to smear the credibility of the platform and all of its users because she doesn’t approve of some of the content.  According to her, most of the content is “TikTok videos and nostalgia memes with anti-vaccination rhetoric, conspiracy theories about George Soros and the Clinton family, and jokes about killing women, Jews, Muslims, and liberals.”

She must have “investigated” into this, citing an email she received from an Instagram spokesperson, who told her that the company and its parent, Facebook, “continue to study trends in organized hate and hate speech and work with partners to better understand hate organizations as they evolve.” The spokesperson added, “We ban these organizations and individuals from Instagram and also remove all praise and support when we become aware of it.”  She doesn’t reveal whether she was contacting Instagram to complain about any particular content and what they were doing about it, but we could consider that as part of her inquiry, playing more of an activist than a journalist.  The takeaway here is that she likely asked of the aforementioned jokes about killing people to spin the narrative into a more legitimate complaint because the first part of the response she writes about concerns “hate speech”, whatever that is.

What is “hate speech”, and what is not “hate speech”?  Is it legally defined by statute?  I consulted Google and found the following top results:

•  There is no legal definition of “hate speech” under U.S. law, just as there is no legal definition for evil ideas, rudeness, unpatriotic speech, or any other kind of speech that people might condemn.

•  the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that most of what would qualify as hate speech in other western countries is legally protected free speech under the First Amendment – see Matal v Tam (2017), whereby the Supreme Court unanimously reaffirmed that there is effectively no “hate speech” exception to the free speech rights protected by the First Amendment and that the U.S. government may not discriminate against speech on the basis of the speaker’s viewpoint.  [2]

•  There is no consensus on a definition for “hate speech” in International Human Rights Law.  Speech that is simply offensive but poses no risk to others is generally NOT considered a human rights violation. Hate Speech becomes a human rights violation if it incites discrimination, hostility or violence towards a person or a group defined by their race, religion, ethnicity or other factors. [3]

Who decides what is “hate speech”?  Apparently, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and any other public company that hosts social media platforms get to decide on their own what constitutes “hate speech”, making it a “fluid” term subject to their interpretation of anything they may dislike.  In other words, you may not think “anti-vaccination rhetoric, conspiracy theories about George Soros and the Clinton family” represent “hate speech”, and clearly it is not, but the tech giants could censor your relevant posts and even de-platform you from their site at their own whim and without explanation or recourse.

Digging deeper, Lorenz found that “social-media companies have come under fire for allowing white supremacy and other extremist ideologies to spread”.  And further, “Following just a handful of these accounts can quickly send users spiraling down a path toward even more extremist views and conspiracies, guided by Instagram’s own recommendation algorithm.”        

Oh my, “spiraling down” into some devilish abyss.  Oddly, she didn’t mention the constant bombardment by the mainstream media of the anti-American, Marxist socialist movement of left-wing extremists.

Later she says, “Given the velocity of the recommendation algorithm, the power of hashtagging, and the nature of the posts, it’s easy to see how Instagram can serve as an entry point into the internet’s darkest corners.”

You are led to the (intended) conclusion that Instagram itself is evil, representing the “darkest corners” of the internet, and should only trust established authoritative media outlets, such as the Washington Post, CNN, et al.  I think we all realize there are deceptive, misleading, and even complete lies in some of the content you will see on Instagram.  But it’s not all “disinformation” and the mainstream media certainly can’t be trusted either.  In fact, the MSM is a well-oiled propaganda machine for the DNC and their socialist agenda.

Comments welcome


[1] Lorenz, T., Instagram Is the Internet’s New Home for Hate, The Atlantic, March 21, 2019

[2] Wikipedia

[3] What is Hate Speech?, Rights for Peace

Illegal Immigration: The Real Story

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

As the media has the entire world focused on the war in Ukraine, and the sheeple are being conditioned to ignore our own border crisis, the invasion of our southern border by illegal immigrants continues, wave after wave.

The Constitution requires the President of the United States to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed” – Article II, Section 3

It is his duty to enforce immigration laws that are on the books, yet it’s somehow being completely ignored, all to the delight of the “woke” media.  Did the DNC discover some loophole?  Have they misinterpreted the laws?  Let’s examine a few actual immigration laws that have been broken on a continuing basis. 

Let’s start with 8 U.S. Code § 1201 – Issuance of visas [1]

(a) Immigrants, nonimmigrants

(1)Under the conditions hereinafter prescribed and subject to the limitations prescribed in this chapter or regulations issued thereunder, a Consular Officer may issue –

(a) to an immigrant who has made proper application therefor, an immigrant visa which shall consist of the application provided for in section 1202 of this title, visaed by such consular officer, and shall specify the foreign state, if any, to which the immigrant is charged, the immigrant’s particular status under such foreign state, the preference, immediate relative, or special immigrant classification to which the alien is charged, the date on which the validity of the visa shall expire, and such additional information as may be required;

In other words, each and every immigrant entering the United States must apply for and receive an immigrant visa through the U.S. Consulate, giving true and accurate information as to his/her nationality, and other identifying data.

8 U.S. Code § 1188 – Admission of temporary H-2A workers [2]

(a) Conditions for Approval of H-2A Petitions

(1) A petititon to import an alien as an H-2A worker may not be approved by the Attorney General unless the petitioner has applied to the Secretary of Labor for a certification that –

(a) There are not sufficient workers who are able, willing, and qualified, and who will be available at the time and place needed, to perform the labor or services involved in the petition, and

(b) The employment of the alien in such labor or services will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of workers in the United States similarly employed.

So, we are supposed to believe that the Attorney General of the United States can prove that every H-2A worker is not affecting the wages of U.S. citizens who could be employed to perform the same work being done by immigrants.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens [3]

(a) Classes of Aliens Inadmissible for Visas or Admission

Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, aliens who are inadmissible under the following paragraphs are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the United States:

(1) Health-related grounds

(2) Criminal and related grounds

(3)Security and related grounds

(4) Public Charge

(A) In general – Any alien who, in the opinion of the Consular Officer at the time of application for a visa, or in the opinion of the Attorney General at the time of application for admission or adjustment of status, is likely at any time to become a public charge is inadmissible, with consideration of the following factors

(I) age

(II) health

(III) family status

(IV) assets, resources, and financial status, and

(V) education and skills

(5) Labor Certification and Qualifications for Certain Immigrants

(6) Illegal Entrants and Immigration Violators

(A) Aliens present without admission or parole –

(i) In general – An alien present in the United States without being admitted or paroled, or who arrives in the United States at any time or place other than as designated by the Attorney General, is inadmissible.

Obviously, the Biden administration is not listening to CBP agents on the ground at the border, warning of illegal aliens entering the country with health issues, criminal records, and security threats.  Can we assume the Attorney General of the United States has complete knowledge of every immigrant entering the country?  How many of the 2.1 million illegal immigrants who have entered the country in Biden’s first year have been designated as inadmissible? (I’ll take the “under”)

Those are just a few examples of the statutes on the books that are being totally ignored by the Biden administration.  And no one is doing a damn thing about it.  Essentially, the President has failed to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed”, in violation of the Constitution.

I must also mention the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 [4], passed and signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson.  The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920’s.  The intent was to eliminate discrimination against eastern Europeans, and Asians, which had strict quotas.  The National Origins Formula favored northern and western Europeans and was considered racist by some politicians.  Interestingly, the bill was supported by northern Democrats and Republicans but strongly opposed by southern Democrats.  Who were the real racists then?

Statistics gathered by the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank, [5] found that migrant encounters more than doubled in all nine sectors along the U.S. Mexico border in fiscal 2021, compared to fiscal 2020 (the fiscal years ends in September). 

All of the following is actual data, and is presented just to establish factual truth.  Anything you hear or read that skews these facts is propaganda. 

The largest numerical increase occurred in the Rio Grande sector, the easternmost section of the Texas border, with 549,077 encounters last fiscal year, up from 90,206 in 2020.  The largest proportional increase occurred in the Yuma sector, part of Arizona, where encounters increased thirteenfold, from 8,804 in fiscal 2020 to 114,488 in fiscal 2021.

In September 2021, 54% of encounters ended in expulsion, down from 74% in February 2021, Biden’s first full month in office.

Encounters of single adults rose from 317,864 in 2020 to 1,063,285 in fy 2021.

Encounters of family groups rose from 52,230 in 2020 to 451,087 in fy 2021.

Encounters of unaccompanied children rose from 30,557 in 2020 to 144,834 in 2021.

Mexico accounted for the largest percentage of the migrant influx, with 608.037 encounters, or 37% of the total.  The remaining 1,051,169 encounters (63%) were from countries other than Mexico, mainly Honduras (308,931), Guatemala (279,033), and El Salvador (95,930), by far the highest total for non-Mexican nationals in CBP records dating back to 2000.

The latest CBP data for fiscal year 2022 on migrant encounters by month:

OCT 2021 – 164,841

NOV 2021 – 174,870

DEC 2021 – 179,256

JAN 2022 – 154,745

FEB 2022 – 164,973

If we calculate the total illegal immigrant encounters from Joe Biden’s first full month in office, as his first 12 months (FEB 2021 thru JAN 2022), we get a total of 2,111,948 encounters.  Those are just the illegals encountered.  That doesn’t include those who may have successfully crossed undetected, and those illegals tend to have a good reason not to be caught.  Some of whom are trafficking lethal illegal narcotics, such as fentanyl, which have killed over 100,000 young people in the past year.

Just to put things in perspective, the liberal left and the mainstream media have everyone in an uproar over the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.  We can agree that we should be concerned about the sovereignty of the Ukraine and the atrocities inflicted on their citizens.  The massing of 150,000 Russian troops near the border was a red flag for the NATO allies.  However, in contrast, no one was alarmed at the monthly invasion of our own southern border by illegal immigrants.  In Biden’s first year, January 2022, was the lowest number of encounters by the CBP, with over 154,000 illegals encountered.  July and August of 2021 both had well over 200,000 encounters.  But, hold your tongue dear citizen, anyone mentioning the crisis at our southern border will be labelled a racist and stigmatized by the “woke” mob. 

Maybe race has nothing to do with it, as with many of their favorite positions. 

Maybe American citizens just want to feel safe in their own country. 

Maybe American citizens want to preserve their values and traditions. 

Maybe American citizens don’t think it’s a good idea for our country 30 trillion dollars in debt, to support the entire world’s population. 

Maybe American citizens don’t want foreign nationals influencing the elections of representatives they trust to protect their lives, liberties, and pursuits of happiness.

Maybe the only reason the DNC is pushing for this massive influx of foreign nationals, legal and otherwise, is to promise them free stuff and secure their vote in order to maintain Democrat control of the levers of power.

Comments welcome.





[4] Wikipedia

[5] Gramlich, J. & Scheller, A. ; What’s Happening at the U.S.-Mexico Border in 7 Charts, Pew Research, Nov 9, 2021 ; Chart 5

Source: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

Why Biden Refuses to Sanction Russian Energy

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

Since the Russian invasion of the Ukraine on February 24th, many Americans have been wondering why we are still buying oil from Russia.  President Biden has issued “significant sanctions” against Russia and some Russian oligarchs but refuses to sanction Russian energy.  WHY ?

UPDATE: Literally, between the time I wrote this piece and was proofing it for publication, it was announced by the White House that President Biden was going to ban oil exports from Russia, which is the subject of this post.  Things are moving quickly in foreign affairs and his declaration potentially negates my criticism, but I’ve decided to go ahead anyway to expose the deception coming from his administration and the shaky defense of their stance on the issue, and there are other elements to the story.  More on that at the end of the article.

Why hasn’t Biden reversed course and opened up our own resources towards a more energy-independent country and why are we still paying Russia to fund Putin’s war?  Some believe he’s under pressure by the Squad’s Green New Deal and the left-wing climate change agenda.  The Democrats and their propaganda machine in the MSM could take that stand and ridicule anyone who criticizes it by saying the long-term health of the planet is more important than World War III, but what is the real reason?  Despite the legitimate argument that could be made against that stand, let’s look at one simple underlying fact.

In an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiroma Sunday morning, Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) said,

“I don’t think most Americans understand that right now, as Biden’s threatening to turn Putin into a total pariah, the Biden administration is relying on Russia to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program. And of course, Russia has not only been blocking the IAEA investigation into Iran’s undeclared nuclear activities, but it also wants to sell uranium and weapons to Iran. If this administration announces an Iran deal brokered by Putin, that won’t just be billions of dollars for the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, it’ll be a massive win for Vladimir Putin in the Middle East. And I guarantee you, the Biden administration will justify it by saying that because of the energy crisis, bringing 1 to 2 million barrels of Iranian crude on the global market is a good idea and will help Americans at the pump. This is insane. I beg the Biden administration to drop this dangerous fantasy of trying to resuscitate the Iran deal. It would be a win for Putin and a loss for the United States of America.” [1]

Gallagher is a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Armed Services Committee.  He’s got “street cred”.  He is saying we are depending on Russia to reinstate the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), because Putin is blocking the IAEA from inspecting Iran’s “undeclared” nuclear sites.  The JCPOA was concerned only with Iran’s “declared” nuclear facilities, ignoring their “undeclared” sites.

Here is what you won’t see on CNN or read about in the New York Times:  Apparently, Biden is now trying to renegotiate a new agreement, that modifies the JCPOA by including those “undeclared” sites for inspection, and we need Russia to mediate on our behalf in order to get Iran to agree to those inspections.  Iran’s bargaining chip is likely a demand for removal of economic sanctions, which would make it easier for them to buy weapons and uranium from Russia. 

In case you missed it; the Biden administration is trying to reinstate the JCPOA, commonly known as the Iran Nuclear Deal, brokered by Biden’s “former” boss, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama in November 2013.  I say “former” because officially, Biden served as Obama’s VP from 2009-2017, but it’s highly probable that he is still taking advice and orders from Obama today.  That’s just my opinion, but there is a lot of evidence that supports it.  For example, who would love to see Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal reinstated more than Obama himself?  Yes, that guy whose principle senior advisor was the Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett and remains his personal confidant.  I could go on to great extent about Obama as Biden’s puppet master, but that deserves its’ own discussion. 

Trump ended our commitment to the JCPOA, to the scorn of the left.  Iran is now 9 years in on the 10-15 year restrictions imposed by the deal and much closer to nuclear “breakout”, although it’s evident they were cheating on the deal anyway.  Whether the deal is reinstated or not, Iran will have a nuclear weapon soon enough.

According to James Carafano, Lt. Col. U.S. Army (Ret.), in an interview conducted by Mark Levin, aired Sunday March 6th, the Biden administration admits that even if the deal is reinstated, that won’t deter Iran from developing the bomb.  And, as soon as Biden signs it, Russia will have a back door to the global economy, rendering our sanctions useless.  Iran will launder money for Russia in return for weapons and uranium.

That’s why Biden refuses to sanction Russian energy.  To him, his advisors, and his puppet master, a worthless agreement they admit won’t stop Iran from fast-tracking their nuclear program, is more important than reigning in out-of-control inflation that’s triggering a global economic catastrophe.  You have to conclude that’s what they want.  Otherwise, it’s literally insane.

Statistics on U.S. Oil Reserves,Consumption, and Imports

  1. As of Mar 4, 2022, the U.S. holds almost 600 million barrels of oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve at four undisclosed sites in Louisiana and Texas maintained by the U.S. Dept. of Energy.  The capacity in those caverns is about 714 million barrels.  Biden recently authorized the release of 60 million barrels, a roughly 10% drawdown that equates to about 3 days of consumption.
  • In 2020 the U.S. consumed about 18.186 million barrels of petroleum per day, and produced about 18.375 million bpd, which included crude oil (11.283 million bpd), natural gas liquids (5.175 million bpd), biofuels (1.024 million bpd), and refinery processing gains (0.924 million bpd),

Leaving a net surplus of about 189,000 bpd that was conceivably available for export.

But that was 2020 during the Trump administration.  It has been reported recently that we now consume about 20 million bpd, but that figure has not been confirmed, nor could I find any date from 2021.

Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration

According to U.S. News and World Report, we exported about 8.5 million bpd with Canada and Mexico as the biggest partners in two-way trading, followed by China with 720,000 bpd, then Japan and India as the top 5, each receiving about 500,000 bpd.  These figures seem to pose a big discrepancy compared to the previous picture, but that is due to gross imports, exports and net import offsets.

  • We are currently importing about 209,000 bpd of oil from Russia, which is about 10% of our daily consumption.  The share of our total petroleum product imports can be broken down as follows:

[a] 52% from Canada – EIA data – 2020

[b] 61% from Canada – U.S. Census Bureau and Al Jazeera data – 2021

[a] 10% from Mexico – EIA data – 2020

[b] 10% from Mexico – Al Jazeera data

[a] 7% from Russia – EIA data -2020 ; 540,000 bpd

[b] 8% from Russia – EIA data – 2021 ; 672,000 bpd (199,000 bpd crude + 473,000 bpd refined products – roughly 8.6% of Russia’s crude oil and petroleum products)

[a] 7% from Saudi Arabia – EIA data – 2020

[b] 6% from Saudi Arabia –  Al Jazeera data


[b] Al Jazeera data – 2021

Notably total U.S. petroleum imports in 2020 were the lowest since 1991 and since President Biden was sworn in, our imports have increased dramatically.  Net crude oil imports rose by 19% in 2021.  That is a huge increase due to Biden’s war on energy that began on his first day in office.

The New “Axis of Evil”: This is where it gets very interesting

The American people must come to the realization that a new “Axis of Evil” has emerged in the triumvirate of Russia, China, and Iran.  Russia has already made the first big move.  As Ukrainian President Zelensky pleads for a “no fly zone” and military support, Putin saber-rattles nuclear options and warns that any interference would be an act of war.  Meanwhile, the Russians are pulverizing Ukrainian cities, targeting civilians and exhibiting a scorched earth policy carte blanche.  I agree with most Americans polled, that we should not engage with our own boots on the ground, and I understand that a no fly zone would constitute a provocation that the world could not afford to risk (Putin’s nuclear threat).  We can’t ignore the perceptions from those who have dealt with Putin in the past that he may be descending into an unbalanced state of mind.  Nor can we risk doing anything that might trigger him into acting irrationally. 

Now we are trying to “secretly” smuggle weapons into Ukraine via an undisclosed airfield near the Ukrainian border.  Exactly how “secret” is this airfield that CNN has published an article on? [2]  Let’s assume Putin can access CNN.  Maybe they shouldn’t have given him that information.  Maybe the act of publishing such a covert plan will do more harm than any benefit from the warm fuzzy feelings they got from projecting how compassionate they are to the Ukrainian people.  What if Putin decides supplying Ukrainian fighters with covert weapons is an act of war? 

So what can we do?  Putin has us by the proverbial gonads.  It has been made clear that any incursion into a NATO country will invoke Article 5 of the NATO pact, that is “an armed attack on any NATO country is considered an attack on all of NATO”.  But short of that, we are essentially helpless and must watch these atrocities unfold every day in our living rooms.  All of which portrays the United States in a weak and feckless limelight.

China is watching closely how the U.S. and our allies respond with visions of invading Taiwan in their near-term objectives.  President Xi can clearly see that Biden is in a position of weakness and he already holds leverage on Biden to the tune of $31,000,000 in nefarious business deals that benefit the Biden family.  You don’t have to take my word for it, just check out Peter Schweizer’s latest book “Red Handed”, Chaper 2, or see my post titled, “DNC Corruption

Iran is patiently waiting for the next opportunity to take “The Great Satan” down.  They have been chanting “Death to America” for decades, but time is on their side.  Islamic jihadis have been in a continuous campaign to dominate the entire globe for 1,400 years.  A few more isn’t going to stop them from taking a prominent role in world affairs, and hitching a ride created by Russia and China seems like a reasonable plan for them.  Meanwhile, they continue to develop their own nuclear weapon, with or without Biden’s approval, and a means to deliver it to Israel and beyond.  They don’t mince words when they say they aim to eliminate Israel and they are serious.  They will launch a nuclear bomb into Israel and they are working on intercontinental ballistic missiles that could target Washington, or London.  They don’t need intercontinental missiles to reach Israel, just us.  

I’m not talking about ordinary intercontinental missiles.  Have you heard about the new hypersonic missiles?  Yeah, the ones that are designed to travel at speeds faster than Mach 5 (≈3,800 mph) and have the capability to maneuver during the entire flight.  The distance from Tehran to Washington DC is 6,324 miles, equating to a travel time of approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes.  Only two countries have developed operational hypersonic missiles, China and Russia.  China imported oil from us last year.  Maybe they’ll trade a few hypersonic missiles for Iranian crude.  If the missile comes from Iran, we shoot it down, and retaliate against Tehran, Russia and China come out unscathed.   

Which brings me back to my “lightbulb” moment.  How did Iran manage to piggyback their ambitions on the expansionist plans of the Sino/Soviet coalition?

Based on Carafano’s comments, Levin termed this triumvirate as an “Axis”.

It’s been quite some time now that I’ve been trying to figure out how Obama intends to shift America’s transformation from a socialist state into an Islamic state.  Maybe this triumvirate is the vehicle that makes that possible. 

Isn’t it reasonable to assume a former President who organized a 30,000 member activist army has an agenda to follow through?

Isn’t it reasonable to assume he “suggested” Biden try to renegotiate the Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA), maybe even orchestrated it?

Does he see Iran making a major move towards world domination on the coattails of the Russia/China alliance?

Did anyone notice that Obama always referred to ISIS as ISIL?  He never called that terrorist organization ISIS.  He used the term ISIL every time.  ISIL stands for the Islamic State in the Levant.  The Levant is a region encompassing areas of present-day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel before the existence of the state of Israel.  In other words, Obama does not recognize the legitimacy of the state of Israel.  It’s almost like he hates Israel more than he hates America. 

Remember when he said, “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction”? [3] 

Could Iran’s rise in power be his angle?      

Maybe he thinks he can broker a deal that will cede Europe to Russia, Asia and the South Pacific to China and North America to Iran.  It’s a step towards the ultimate Islamic goal and would surely put Obama in the annals of history, and satisfy his megalomaniacal ego.

Am I crazy?  Sounds like a right wing conspiracy theory, right? 

Except I’m not conspiring with anyone.  It takes at least two to tango.  That term was invented by the left to redirect the spotlight off of their own corruption. Sometimes a theory turns out to be true, but even if I’m wrong we can’t afford to sit by idly, watching it unfold without even trying to unseat these demented Democrats at the earliest opportunity.  I hope they don’t destroy everything while we’re waiting for that opportunity.


A few hours ago the White House announced that Biden was going to ban oil exports from Russia.  In the first segment of this article I exposed the real reason he had been holding out on that sanction, regarding his attempts to renegotiate the Iran Nuclear Deal.  His excuse for not sanctioning Russian oil before was that he wanted to limit the pain at the pump for the American people.  I guess, now that the real reason has been exposed by Mike Gallagher and others, he doesn’t care about the pain at the pump anymore and claims there are 9,000 leases that are not being utilized by the oil companies, i.e., now it’s their fault for not producing.  You’re supposed to be outraged by that.  However, it’s not unusual for 40,000 leases to be dormant at any given time, and during Trump’s last year that number was about 5,000.  What needs to be understood is that the mere agreement of signing a lease to drill for natural resources, doesn’t mean an energy company can roll in their rig the next day.  There is a lot of red tape that must be approved by the EPA, the Dept. of Energy, and the Dept. of the Interior.  And, the Biden administration has placed a lot of restrictions on the process of gaining approvals that created burdensome hurdles that must be overcome to actually begin drilling operations.  Jen Psaki didn’t mention that part.                                                  

This was my longest post by far.  I hope you got something from it.  Thanks for hanging in there if you read it all.

Comments welcome, as always.


[1] Gallagher, Mike, Press Release, February 28, 2022

[2] Liebermann, O., CNN, March 7, 2022 ; headline titled, “At a secret airfield in eastern Europe, a multinational effort to send weapons to Ukraine proceeds at high speed”

[3] Obama, B., The Audacity of Hope, page 261, quote: “I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

In an obvious spin job issued by Politifact, they claim he is not referring to Muslims, simply “U.S. citizens of Arab and Pakistani descent” in the context of saying “they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something” in contrast to the Japanese internments during World War II.  Regardless of the spin, it’s evident that he is painting a picture of America having an evil history.  Another shameless example of the media protecting their Messiah.

Funding Putin’s War

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

The mainstream media propaganda is once again on full display. In a CNN article headlined, “A remarkable Republican statement on the Ukraine invasion”, analyst Chris Cillizza vilifies Elise Stefanik (R-NY), the 3rd ranking Republican in the House of Representatives, as a Trump loyalist, implying that all Trump supporters are bigoted, hillbilly, “deplorables”, and any statements from such ilk should be discounted as illegitimate, unworthy among the morally superior intellectuals such as himself. 

Her quote that he calls “remarkable” follows:

“After just one year of a weak, feckless, and unfit President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief, the world is less safe. Rather than peace through strength, we are witnessing Joe Biden’s foreign policy of war through weakness. For the past year, our adversaries around the world have been assessing and measuring Joe Biden’s leadership on the world stage, and he has abysmally failed on every metric. From kinetic and deadly attacks on our allies and partners, to the catastrophic withdrawal and surrender in Afghanistan, to the cyber attacks impeding American industry and infrastructure, to today’s Russian invasion of Ukraine, Joe Biden and his Administration have failed America and the world.” [1]

Every word of her statement is accurate.  It doesn’t matter to the so-called “experts” at CNN.  The message is clear; never question our opinion, shut up and conform to our ideology, or suffer our public ridicule.  For some reason you are supposed to ignore factual data and bend a knee to their authority.  Those are the prerequisites for political correctness and wokeness.  Where can I sign up?

Marisa Schultz of Yahoo Finance quoted Stefanik as saying:

“President Biden’s weakness on the world stage has emboldened our adversaries, look no further than Ukraine and Afghanistan.  The world is less safe because of his failed leadership.” [2]

Stefanik also said, “Putin is a deranged thug and authoritarian war criminal.”  Then followed with, “The liberal media, who pushed the Russia hoax, is now serving as Joe Biden’s stenographers and melting down over the truth that Biden’s weakness has caused the world to be less safe.  And the American people know it.”

Schultz wrote that Stefanik took shots at the media for coming to Biden’s defense, as if you are supposed to think that is despicable rather than a reasonable assessment. Two anointed “journalists” spewing the same propaganda, with the complete admiration of their editors. But Stefanik is absolutely spot on!

Just look at what has happened.  On Biden’s very first day in office he cancelled the Keystone pipeline and signed other executive orders that were designed to cripple the energy sector.  When Trump left office we were essentially energy independent and the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas.  Biden ruined that right out of the gate.  Today the national average of a gallon of regular gas at the pump is $3.59, compared to $2.38 (a $1.21 increase, or 50.8%) when he took office.

Then he announced we would be pulling all US troops out of Afghanistan and botched the withdrawal, leaving 13 dead American soldiers and hundreds of stranded civilians in the wake.  The world was watching and Putin took notes.

In the past few weeks, Biden sat helplessly on the sideline while warning us that Putin had amassed over 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border and an invasion was imminent.  We sent them a few anti-tank missiles to help the Ukrainian military defend their sovereign country, but as the invasion unfolded, it was clear that was too little, too late.

As the Ukraine capitol of Kyiv falls under siege that could be catastrophic for millions of civilians, now surrounded and apparently ready to resist, we find out the “significant sanctions” imposed by Biden exclude the Russian energy exports, and in fact we are still buying oil today from Putin.

“Russia producers nearly tripled shipments of oil to the United States in 2021 – in 2020, the United States imported from Russia on average 76,000 barrels per day (bpd), while in 2021, that figure rose to 209,000 bpd, according to data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the U.S. Department of Energy.” [3]

So, at $100 per barrel we are paying Russia nearly 21 million dollars per day while they are at war with the Ukraine.  American taxpayers funding Putin’s war.  I’m guessing CNN didn’t bring that to anyone’s attention.

• Does that sound like we are defending their sovereignty?

Please don’t try to make that argument. You can’t make chicken soup out of chicken shit.

• Could there be an underlying motive to allow this war to progress to its inevitable conclusion, a complete Russian takeover?

Well, all we see and hear 24/7 from the media, is Russia, Russia, Russia.  Notice how the domestic policies have disappeared from the social consciousness?  In Biden’s first year 2,000,000 illegal immigrants have stormed over our southern border, welcomed with open arms by every Democrat.  Now they are outraged about the Ukrainian border while showing no concern whatsoever for our own citizens.  Biden himself admitted that Americans will feel some “pain at the pump” from this war, but he assures us he will minimize the impact.  After crippling our own energy sector, and tripling our oil imports from Russia, he says he’ll release “strategic reserves” (SPR) to mitigate the skyrocketing gas prices.  Sure, Joe.  And then how will you replace them?

• Are we powerless in convincing Putin to curtail his ambitions?

Basically, yes.  He will not be deterred in his quest to overthrow the government of the Ukraine and install a puppet who pledges fealty to him.  His vision is to reinstate the former Soviet Union and its territories, establishing a dominate geopolitical power, similar to Hitler’s takeover of the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia at the outset of World War II. 

• Will Putin be satisfied with his conquest of the Ukraine, or does he plan to expand into the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia?

Those former Soviet republics are all NATO members, which would compel the other 27 NATO countries to invoke Article 5, whereby an armed attack against any member is considered an attack against them all, and they are to collectively defend the ally attacked.  The Ukraine is rich with natural resources and the former “bread- basket” of the Soviet Union.  The Baltic states are not that valuable economically, but it could get real very soon.   

Comments welcome

[1] Cillizza, C., CNN, dated Feb 24, 2022

[2]  Schultz, M., Money, Yahoo, dated Feb 24, 2022

[3] Global Energy, dated Feb 22, 2022

CDC Withholds COVID Data

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

Now we find out the CDC has been withholding critical data related to hospitalizations by age, race, and vaccination status.  Their official explanation is they feared the public would misinterpret the data.  Critics say that data may have worsened the pandemic as full knowledge may have helped direct resources to the most vulnerable. [1]

They have also been withholding information on cases of reinfection for fully vaccinated people unless they are hospitalized, or die; and the effectiveness of booster shots for those under age 65.

Here is an excerpt from the Gazette article with an unbelievable quote:

“Agency spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund, who spoke with the New York Times, said the CDC has been slow to put out the streams of data ‘because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time’ and the public could misconstrue it.” [2]

I’ll bet that quote was “pre-manufactured” and pre-approved.  Never mind the notion that the general public is too stupid to understand the data and might spread “disinformation”.  What about health professionals who could have used the data to formulate more effective plans?

The CDC also has a bureaucratic responsibility to alert the Department of Health and Human Services, the parent agency of the CDC, which must in turn notify the White House, about signing off on any decisions pursuant to the release of COVID data to the public.  So the White House controls the information and we can reasonably assume they have the ability to create whatever narrative they want to be made public.  For instance, if they want the mask mandates to be kept in place indefinitely, they can withhold any data that might contradict reasons for relaxing the restrictions.

Could there be a motive?


What if someone wanted to cripple our economy?

Have you noticed how easily they justified shutting businesses down?

Couldn’t that be a precursor to implementing a socialist agenda?

Oh, that’s just a “right-wing conspiracy theory”, right?

What if I told you the DNC was under the influence of a supreme leader, who has repeatedly demonstrated an unmistakable penchant for destroying the American culture and our traditional values?

I have said elsewhere, and “The Great One”, Mark Levin, has broadcast it; Democrats hate America.  They didn’t always hate America, but they do now.

Do you really think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are running the country?  Neither one of them can barely string a coherent sentence together.  Biden has dementia and Harris is a blabbering idiot.  Do we have a “central committee”?  I don’t think so.  If not, then who is the man behind the curtain?  I could give you a lot of clues and I have a prime suspect who emerges from he shadows when the dots are connected.

Sometimes the theory isn’t conspiratorial at all.  Sometimes it’s just a theory that turns out to be true.

Comments welcome

[1] The Gazette, Feb 22, 2022

[2] ibid

Clinton Criminality Proven in Durham Report

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

The extent and scope of DNC corruption is almost beyond belief. Just when you thought the evidence was gathered, more crimes come to light. Remember when Hillary admitted she deleted 33,000 emails about yoga classes and wedding plans by smashing hard drives and cell phones with hammers? (more on that below)

This past Friday, Special Counsel John Durham submitted a court filing that alleges criminality conducted by the Clinton campaign when they hired a tech firm to spy on former President Trump before and after he took office.

Durham’s filing claims an executive of “Internet Company 1”, used his access to nonpublic government DNS data to analyze purported links between Trump and a Russian financial institution, named as Alpha Bank.  Internet Company 1 had access and maintenance agreements to dedicated servers for the Executive Office of the President (EOP).  Durham found that Rodney Joffe, named only as “Tech Executive 1” in the court filing, exploited his company’s contract by “mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information” [1] about the former President.

Friday’s filing was a result of Durham’s prosecution of Michael Sussman, an Attorney for the Clinton presidential campaign, charged with lying to the FBI.  Sussman told an FBI Attorney that he did not represent any client, when in fact he was being paid by the Clinton campaign.  Sussman’s Attorneys deny that he billed the Clinton campaign for a meeting he had with the FBI in September 2016.  It should be relatively easy to determine who is lying on that.

Trump’s ties to Russia were investigated by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller for nearly two years before he announced they had found nothing to support the claims propagated by Hillary Clinton.  It is common knowledge that the Clinton campaign funded opposition research that enlisted false claims in the Christopher Steele dossier designed to sick the FBI on then presidential candidate Donald Trump.  All of the allegations against Trump were proven false.

Sussman’s lawyers filed a response to the Durham allegations on Monday [2],  stating the Special Counsel filing on Friday was intended to “politicize this case, inflame media coverage, and taint the jury pool.”  They further claim that Durham’s allegations regarding the DNS data mining post-dated the single charge of lying to the FBI in September 2016 and are therefore irrelevant to the case against their client.  Of course additional misconduct by Sussman may be relevant to proving he was indeed actively engaged in undermining the President of the United States before and after he took office.  Moreover, in Paragraph 5 of the filing, the Sussman lawyers insinuate that Trump was attempting to inflame other Republicans, calling this scandal “far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate”, as if Trump had no right to comment on the matter.  Incidentally, he’s right!

The New York Times headline reads, “Court Filing Started a Furor in Right-Wing Outlets, but Their Narrative Is Off Track”.  Oh really, does the so-called “Right-Wing” media have a responsibility to bury such a huge story to protect the Democrats? And how exactly, is their narrative “off“?

By Tuesday the 15th, CNN had crafted their version of the story by saying, “the accusation – which Durham couched in vague, technical language in a court filing late Friday – has been seized upon by Trump and his supporters, who claim the former President was subjected to a smear campaign”, followed by “Durham says in the filing that Michael Sussman, the Democrat lawyer, spoke about internet data related to Trump in a meeting with a federal agency, which sources say was the CIA, more than five years ago.”  Notice how they added the phrase “more than five years ago”, to make the reader think this allegation is “ancient history” and not worth pursuing.  In calling the filing “vague”, the Times also implies that the man-on-the-street can’t possibly understand it.  I don’t know about their readers, but I followed it just fine.  It’s also noteworthy that the CIA was gathering intel from Sussman on domestic spying campaign.  The CIA is by law restricted to limited domestic relations.  A Commission appointed by President Gerald Ford [3] reported that certain activities performed by the CIA on behalf of President Nixon were beyond the scope of their authority.  Apparently, by 2020 CIA activities designed to entrap the sitting President were completely legitimate, especially when requested by a political opponent.  

A Daily Mail article says former Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, alerted Durham to a declassified CIA memo that asserts Clinton approved “looking into Trump’s Russia ties as a way of distracting from her email scandal”.  Furthermore claiming that “new bombshell reports now reveal Clinton paid people to hack servers at Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign and White House servers following the election.” [4]  Ratcliffe says former CIA Director John Brennan told then President Obama and his VP, Joe Biden, in 2016 about Clinton’s plan to fabricate Trump’s links to Russia in an effort to redirect the spotlight away from her 33,000 deleted emails, which were actual government property.

18 U.S.C § 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally :

“Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, any record, paper, or document in any public office, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than three years, or both”.

I’m not Copernicus, but if my math is correct, that felony alone could sentence her to 99,000 years in prison.  But with time off for good behavior, she could be out in time to run for President again in 42,024.  Unfortunately, the statute prevents anyone convicted of said felony from “holding any office under the United States”.

If Brennan told Obama and Biden directly about the Clinton smear campaign, how much “plausible deniability” could they claim? It’s extremely obvious they both knew about it beforehand and quite possible they approved it, considering Obama’s expectation that his agenda would be continued under her administration.

Hillary Clinton, now 74, is also accused of hiring a tech firm to infiltrate servers at the Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign and the White House after he took office, aiming to smear Trump by linking him to Russia.  On October 31, 2016, just days before the election, she tweeted “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump organization to a Russian-based bank”.  No links have ever been proven, but you can bet your last dollar the MSM blasted that bombshell over every possible outlet right up to the closing of the polls.  That tech firm, named only as “Internet Company 1” in Durham’s Friday filing, is reportedly Neustar, the firm from which Rodney Joffe retired in 2021.

In the end, the American people have a right to know what we have known all along.  The Clinton campaign fabricated a phony dossier intended to damage the reputation of presidential candidate Donald Trump.  The extent of that smear campaign was well planned and executed by highly-ranked Democrat operatives and officials in the federal bureaucracy. The Durham revelations extend the scope of her corruption. Mark Levin, the conservative host of “Life, Liberty, and Levin”, has called this the biggest scandal in American history and questions why Clinton and Obama have never been indicted for their criminality. They are common citizens, holding no office of protection. We certainly can’t expect the current Attorney General to pursue the case against either, but the truth never dies.

“But such is the irresistible nature of the truth, that all it asks, – and all it wants, – is the liberty of appearing.”

— Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, Part II: Introduction

Watergate was a church picnic in comparison to this particular Clinton scandal, which may have been linked to the effort to cover up her own secret private server scandal, the one that had her lawyers and aides smashing hard drives and cell phones with hammers to prevent authorities from discovering the despicable criminal acts of the DNC and the Clinton campaign.  When you know the very top of Democrat leadership is corrupt to the core and every party member lines up in total obedience, you probably should be considering other options with your vote.

Comments welcome.  Is anyone else outraged?

[1] The Hill, dateline Feb 14, 2022 ; Durham alleges cyber analysts ‘exploited’ access to Trump White House server

[2] Thomson Reuters, dated Feb 14, 2022

[3] Report to the President by the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States, June 1975

and by clicking on the link “Commission Report at the Ford Library” within that article, you can access Chapter 14, “Involvement of the CIA in Improper Activities for the White House”, p.172

[4] Caralle, K., Daily Mail, Ex-Director of National Intelligence ( John Ratcliffe) Claims Biden and Obama Knew About Hillary Campaign Plot to Hack Trump Servers, published Feb 14, 2022

The Ideological War Has Begun: How Can We Save America?

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.

The ideological war has begun.  It is upon us now.  We did not ask for this confrontation.  It has been thrust upon us by the leadership of the Democrat party, their well-oiled Reich Ministry of Propaganda the mainstream media (MSM), and the ideologues who dutifully follow them.

A supercharged political atmosphere hovers over the entire country like a menacing smog.  Its presence is everywhere.  It cannot be ignored.  It has divided us more than any time since the Civil War, when brothers at arms opposed each other across bloody battlefields that claimed over 618,000 sacrificial lambs.

The foundations of America are under attack, from our Constitution, to our institutions, to our economic system, to our societal norms and values, literally every aspect of our way of life.  This is not a drill.

The Democrat Party (DNC) is the metaphoric siege machine, hurling giant boulders into the castle that is America.  We are holding on for now, but the walls are crumbling.  Having the media as their protectorate, they now push their socialist agenda to “fundamentally transform America” by forcing it down our collective throats, every single day.  They have no intentions of engaging in debate, or negotiation, on the merits of their proposals.  They march in lock-step with total unity, softening the language with deceptive phrases designed to fool the masses, expecting them to accept their authority.  Too often, their stated goals are completely disingenuous, and have nothing to do with the real objective.  Everyone who fails to fall into line is vilified, publicly scorned, and outcast from society in textbook fascist fashion.

To be fair, many lifelong Democrat voters are not engaged enough to have realized their beloved party has been hijacked by the extreme left-wing socialist faction that runs it today.  Indeed, most people are so busy in the routines of everyday life, they barely have time to think about anything else at all, let alone politics.  They simply tune in casually every four years and perform their civic duty as they always have, then walk away feeling good about themselves for supporting what they believed were genuine concerns expressed by their favorite partisans.  Hillary Clinton was caught by a hot mic saying, “voters are stupid”.  The DNC actually believes their own voters are “useful idiots”.  I can’t blame them for being loyal, but maybe some of them are ripe for enlightenment.  It is one of the missions of American Patriots to make them aware that their decisions were haphazard at best, and disastrous by the results of their choice.  

All American Patriots [1] are certainly disheartened by the direction this country is taking at the hands of the DNC and the MSM.  It is not enough to get riled up and vent to your like-minded friends on Facebook to see how many “Likes” you can get.  We must do more.  This is a call to action.  But even when you know you must act, it’s a matter of how.  We know we must do something.  But what exactly can we do,  without placing ourselves in legal jeopardy?  It’s one thing to be publicly ridiculed, perhaps even a “badge of honor”.  It’s another level to face federal prison, which I don’t recommend.  At American Patriots, as in all my posts, I suggest we exercise caution before acting, or even saying anything that could be deemed slanderous or libelous towards specific individuals.  For some legal definitions and pertinent statutes, check out my page on Statutes to Avoid

There are some things we can do to help fight the socialist agenda.  You will see that none of these suggestions advocate violence.  They are all peaceful and completely legal means that require some degree of activism.  Generally, I don’t care much for activists, but we must fight fire with fire and employ the same tactics they use rather effectively.

• Speak out

Talk to your family, friends, and neighbors.  In many cases, you may already know how they lean politically, and can avoid the ideologues.  If you are unsure, you can start with subtle hints of your position and watch closely how they react.  Obviously it’s better to do this face-to-face, not via text or phone.  I’m no psychiatrist, but any negative response or defensive body language probably indicates resistance and a sign to stop right there.  If they seem enthused to continue the discussion, it’s likely they are already in our “tent” and it won’t take long to confirm that.  It’s those who seem slightly caught off-guard, ask respectful questions, or seem willing to engage civilly that may be “on the fence” and are potential converts.  It might be best to proceed slowly in light doses, perhaps over several engagements, but you can probably get a few points across eventually that could make them think a little.  Try to keep it respectful, not mean, angry, or condescending.

• Debate them if necessary

I love this one.  I choose my debates wisely, but I’m undefeated.  Why? Because when I decide to engage in debate, it’s already over.  The opponent has no chance to prove his point because he is wrong, period!  Typically, I’ll allow him to present his case, and then destroy it in less than two minutes.  It’s so easy I have gotten bored with the exercise.  How can that be possible? Have you listened to the positions they hold?  Virtually every issue is nonsensical.  Almost everything they say can be easily exposed as hypocrisy, contradicting things they have said earlier about the same issue.  Case in point:

Have you noticed that practically every time they are confronted with anything they deem offensive, the other party is “racist”?  I don’t know what race has to do with anything in the 21st century, but Obama brought it into the social consciousness and now the entire “progressive” movement plays the race card at every opportunity.  They talk about reparations and use affirmative action as reverse discrimination, as if the black community is to receive preferential treatment from now on.  I don’t have any animosity whatsoever towards the black community.  They deserve every opportunity on an equal basis just like the Constitution says.  I’m happy they are included and part of making society a better place to live.  I didn’t even want to bring race into the conversation, but the left wants to go back to conditions before the Civil War as justification for their demands, they need to be reminded that it was the “party of Lincoln” (Republicans) who freed the slaves and fought for the post-Civil War constitutional amendments that acknowledged their rights.  Southern Democrats were responsible for suppressing the black vote.  Now they claim it’s Republicans who are suppressing the black vote.  Republicans aren’t suppressing any voters.  They just want to ensure that all votes are legitimate, cast by actual citizens, each one entitled to one vote.  Democrats, on the other hand, are pushing for nationwide mail-in ballots and voting for non-citizens, which happens to be unconstitutional.  Some major cities like New York and Los Angeles have already approved non-citizen voting.  You might “fact check” that and conclude that Illegal voting doesn’t happen, but be cognizant of the source.  Typically, a left-wing “journalist” will ignore factual data or just blatantly lie.  The current Democrat presidential administration even recruits people from across the globe to come here illegally, apply for free stuff, and vote Democrat to keep the free stuff flowing.  As ridiculous as all that sounds, it’s obvious the debate was over pretty quickly.

• Get involved

Examine the voting records of some of your district Representatives (U. S. House) and listen carefully to what they are saying.  Or listen to new candidates for clues on whether they seem to be patriots or socialists.  Then show your support for those candidates by promoting them on your social media, perhaps even volunteering for their campaign efforts if you have the time.  Don’t waste your time on local politicians, with a few exceptions.  For example, all the hoopla over the school board meetings in Virginia have made national news because they involve national issues, such as the rights of parents to be active in the curriculum of their children, against the school districts teaching Critical Race Theory.  Parental groups could be organized to attend all school board meetings and protest all efforts to teach our young minds socialist ideas.  The indoctrination of our children must be stopped.  But in general, it’s the federal level candidates we need to focus on.  Keep in mind, it’s not necessary to love the Republican party or their candidates.  We need to defeat every Democrat at every opportunity, no matter who the opponent is.

• Protest

The First Amendment guarantees “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”  The DNC is actively working on destroying the First Amendment through excessive restrictions, but at this writing, no law has been passed that eliminates our right to peaceably protest.

By the way, the January 6th event at the U. S. Capitol the Democrats and the media are calling “Insurrection Day”, was in fact, mostly peaceful protestors.  Yes, there were some who carried out acts of violence and they are justly being held to account for their actions.  Those bad actors appear to have been extreme right-wing groups who descended upon the scene with ill intent, but by no stretch of the imagination did they represent the full body of protestors, nor was anything said by Trump at his rally that morning indicative of a call to storm the building by violence.  The media labelling all Republicans as “white supremacists” is no more accurate than us calling all Democrats morons.  Again, the media using propaganda to influence the perceived idiots that follow their “authority”.  The media essentially assumes their own viewers are idiots, expecting to retain credibility after bloviating such nonsense.


Boycott, divest, and sanction corporations and even small companies that have expressed their socialist ideology.  Mark Levin talks about this in depth in his latest book American Marxism. [2]  Companies that can be identified supporting the DNC and their socialist agenda should be boycotted by true American patriots.  Simply take your business elsewhere.  Conversely, companies that have obviously stood up against these anti-American movements, should be supported by patriotic consumers.  If you have a stock portfolio, review the companies you have invested in and liquidate those assets for redirection to companies that share your American pride.  In other words, sanction goods and services that openly follow socialist movements, and call them directly to voice your concerns.  Media Research Center tracks corporate sponsors of major network news shows. [3]  How many times have you heard that left-wing activists have threatened to cease the sponsorship of prime time opinion shows hosted by Fox news personalities they don’t approve of?  Who says you can’t do the same thing to their favorite talking heads?

These are just a few actions that any citizen can perform to help save America, and we as American Patriots must be willing to step forward and be heard.  America depends on those willing to defend her.

Join the discussion. Comments welcome.

[1] Join my private Facebook group “American Patriots” by searching “Thomas Paine” on Facebook and requesting membership.  Look for the “Thomas Paine” that is listed as living in New Rochelle, New York, to select the right “Thomas”.  The group has been created to attract true American patriots to exchange ideas and discuss ways to save America from the forces that threaten The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and our American values. 

[2] Levin, Mark R. ; American Marxism, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, © 2021 ; Chapter 7, pp. 252-276.  I don’t have any financial interest or affiliation with any of Mark’s books.  This book is highly recommended.

[3] There is a lot of information on the website at:

Paine’s Common Sense Offers Constitutional Advice

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. Please join my Facebook group American Patriots in a free and open discussion to further the cause of FREEDOM.  

Paine’s Common Sense laid the groundwork for portions of the Constitution. Long before the United States Constitution was created (September 17, 1787) and ratified (June 21, 1788), Paine offered some of his suggestions on the form of government that would equitably represent all of the citizens. 

“If there is any true cause of fear respecting independence, it is because no plan is yet laid down.  Men do not see their way out – Wherefore, as an opening into that business, I offer the following hints; at the same time modestly affirming, that I have no other opinion of them myself, than that they may be the means of giving rise to something better.  Could the straggling thoughts of individuals be collected, they would frequently form materials for wise and able men to improve into useful matter.

Let the assemblies be annual, with a President only.  The representation more equal.  Their business wholly domestic, and subject to the authority of a Continental Congress.

Let each colony be divided into six, eight, or ten, convenient districts, each district to send a proper number of delegates to Congress, so that each colony send at least thirty.  The whole number in Congress will be at least 390.  Each Congress to sit and to choose a president by the following method.  When the delegates are met, let a colony be taken from the whole thirteen colonies by lot, after which, let the whole Congress choose (by ballot) a president from out of the delegates of that province.  In the next Congress, a colony be taken by lot from twelve only, omitting that colony from which the president was taken in the former Congress, and so proceeding on till the whole thirteen shall have had their proper rotation.  And in order that nothing may pass into a law but what is satisfactorily just, not less than three fifths of the Congress to be called a majority.”

  —  Thomas Paine, Common Sense, under Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs, published at Philadelphia, February, 14 1776

Note that last sentence whereby Paine lays down the argument that all legislation should be widely supported by at least 60% of Congress, the threshold established later as the filibuster rule in the Senate.  The Democrats, operating on the slimmest margin possible, now want to eliminate the filibuster to pass their highly controversial “voting rights act”, which has little to do with securing voting rights, and could be more accurately described as a “right to cheat” act, while protecting the same election officials who kicked observers out of the room and boarded up windows in polling places to conceal their fraudulent activities. Democrats imply that a large segment of their voting base is not capable of voting in person, nor have the ability to obtain valid identification. They ignore the fact that virtually everything regarding identification must be proven by showing a government issued ID card, and insist that anyone should be able to cast a ballot without proving they are who they say they are, which opens the door for multiple votes and non-citizen ballots. Couple that with ballot harvesting practices that allow partisan operatives to collect ballots in large quantities that could be easily altered under cover of darkness, and you’re looking at a potentially massive scheme to rig elections.

The 19th Amendment (ratified August 18, 1920) says, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” As late as 1920, when women were given the right to vote, it was clear that only citizens were entitled to vote. Republicans seek to ensure that, while Democrats want to eliminate the requirement. Under their insane proposition, anyone in the world with obviously questionable loyalties, could vote in our elections.

Comments welcome