Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary
From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.
The 2024 Election
I had planned to save this essay until the final votes had been tabulated but it has now been 2-1/2 weeks since Election Day and some states are still counting. We knew going in that “election officials” were not to be trusted, particularly in the seven “battleground” states (AZ, GA, MI, NC, NV, PA, and WI) where the presidential election would be decided. I suspect that Obama’s 30,000+ member army of activists, a.k.a. “Organizing for Action”, are not only thoroughly entrenched in the federal bureaucracy, but also have infiltrated the key states by obtaining certification as “election officials”. They are they operatives who clandestinely rig vote tabulations by programming the machines to switch votes, re-scanning selected ballots, stealing mail-in ballots, harvesting pre-fabricated phony ballots, and other methods. Obama’s army certainly isn’t limited to a “ready-to-march” bunch of college kids and angry suburban women waiting for the next “mostly peaceful protest” to be announced. They are working to advance Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America communist agenda with utmost determination.
As it turned out, and I still can’t believe it, Trump’s MAGA movement was perhaps “too big to rig”. Patriots, many of whom have been quietly waiting to come out of the woodwork, voted in great numbers in a total rejection of the Democrats record of failure on many fronts. All the polls in the last few months, particularly after Kamala was inserted by coup, projected a razor-thin race that could be determined by a few thousand votes here and there. Many pundits believe the polls were as phony as the Democrat ballots. They were skewed and biased by “news organizations” (I use that term lightly) who had the incentives to discourage voter turn-out and make it seem like Harris had an excellent chance to win so that the Democrat rigging would go unnoticed and election denials would be unacceptable. They had successfully stolen the 2020 election and they had every reason to believe they could do it again.
Here are some results of the presidential race per the latest available data

Image depicts the Electoral College vote and the popular vote totals of the presidential election as of 22 Nov 2024. It is noteworthy that Trump’s popular vote margin was much higher on the morning of 6 Nov 2024. Apparently, late counting of votes is almost exclusively Democrat votes. [1]
Speaking of Cheating
It’s amazing how vehemently the full spectrum of liberalism denies there is any “widespread” cheating In our elections, yet every time you turn around, you hear of another story, typically from a state that just happens to be one of the so-called “battleground” states.
Here is one right here in Pennsylvania, close to where I live, that was in the news this week. It has been featured on Fox News (where would we be without them?) and has been summarized by Breitbart in an article titled, “Bucks County Pennsylvania, Election Official Apologizes for Saying Court Precedent ‘Doesn’t Matter Anymore’”.

Essentially, the Bucks County Board of Commissioners Vice-Chair, Robert Harvie, Jr. and Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia, in a November 12 meeting, moved in a 2-1 vote to count 405 mis-dated, or undated, mail-in ballots, in bold defiance of the state Supreme Court. Two days later, in a November 14 meeting, the day after the state announced a mandatory recount in the Senate race between incumbent Bob Casey (D) and Senator-Elect Dave McCormick (R) who held a lead of over 17,000 votes and had been declared the winner by the AP, the same two Commissioners moved to count provisional ballots missing required signatures, despite the State Supreme Court ruling that ballots missing signatures were not legitimate, Ellis-Marseglia openly stating that, “I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country, and people violate laws any time they want.” The two Commissioners then voted to count the ballots over objections from the County legal counsel.
On Wednesday, November 20, the day the recount began, in front of an angry crowd, Ellis-Marseglia apologized for her previous comments, probably under advice that she could be prosecuted for several federal election crimes.
The point is, this is not an isolated incident. Stories like this pop up all the time and it just shows how Democrats see themselves as immune from legal jeopardy. They truly believe they are above the law because they get away with virtually anything they want. We the Patriots need to stand up and be heard. We the Patriots urge the Attorney General of the United States to hold these people accountable for every statute they violate. The Trump administration has a clear mandate to clean up corruption everywhere it is found. [2]
Gratitude to All Who Helped Preserve Our Republic
We the Patriots have good reason to celebrate Trump’s great victory as he was the last hope to save America from the destruction wreaked by Obama and his radical Marxist Democrat Party.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for seeing the light and getting out there to cast your ballot. Every ballot counted (at least we hope so) towards preserving our republic, our American values, our culture, our institutions, and our freedoms.
We Have Won a Major Battle But The War is Not Over
The 2024 election was our Saratoga, our Trenton, a tremendous victory that may have turned the tide against seemingly insurmountable odds, but the war is not over. The enemy is regrouping every day. Obama is not going to disband his army and ride off into retirement. His life-long hatred of America and everything she stands for has not been extinguished. We have dealt him a serious blow but our resolve must be sustained. This war against his communist agenda is in the early stages. We must completely destroy the leadership and the direction of the Democrat Party. Their Marxist ideology must be eradicated from American politics.
We must fight them at the ballot box at every opportunity, and in the meantime, we must ensure that the Department of Justice under the presumed direction of newly nominated Pam Bondi, former Attorney General for the state of Florida, is doing everything they can to prosecute the criminal elements of the Democrat Party. No quarter. No immunity. No dead-end investigations that take years to recognize what we already know.
Obama’s army will be difficult to root out completely, but that is the task at hand.
It cannot be forgotten that radical Marxists adhere to the mantra “by any means necessary”. There is nothing they wouldn’t do to gain, and retain power, because their ultimate goal is permanent one-party rule.
May the ghosts of our forefathers guide us in defeating the leviathan that has hijacked the federal bureaucracy. Do not get complacent. Stay committed to the cause. Stay the course. Yorktown is on the horizon.
Comments welcomed.
[1] 2024 Election Results ; Google ; as of 22 Nov 2024
2024 election results popular vote – Google Search
[2] Breitbart News ; “Bucks County Pennsylvania, Election Official Apologizes for Saying Court Precedent ‘Doesn’t Matter Anymore’”.
wearebreitbart Instagram article