2020 Election Results Don’t Add Up

Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary

From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.

The Deniers Claim it’s “Trump’s Big Lie”

Have you ever wondered how the mainstream media (MSM, i.e., ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, et al) quickly determined that there was NO VOTER FRAUD during the 2020 presidential election and immediately labelled all claims as “Trump’s Big Lie” ?

Remember, during the transition period between Election Day, November 3rd, and January 6th, when the electors were certified by Congress, Trump’s team alleged there were over 1,000 INDEPENDENT witnesses who signed sworn Affidavits under penalty of perjury, that they saw various polling station “irregularities” in at least six battleground states.  Texas filed a suit on behalf of those six states that made its way to he Supreme Court, and the Court announced that the case had “no basis” on December 11th 2020.  No basis ?  They wouldn’t even hear the case.

So We the People are supposed to believe the word of the DNC, proven liars, and ignore the testimony of 1,000 INDEPENDENT affiants.  How can they say there is “no evidence” of widespread voter fraud, when they don’t even listen to the witnesses, or investigate it at all ?

Meanwhile, the corrupt DOJ has been “investigating” Hunter Biden for over 5 years, while squashing attempts to release information, and denying the existence of the infamous “laptop from Hell” in the runup to the election, all to protect Quid Pro Joe Biden’s campaign.  The FBI had possession of the laptop nearly a year BEFORE the election.  They KNEW it existed.  They KNEW it was real, and they KNEW what was on it.  And something like 20% of Democrat voters when polled, said they would NOT have voted for Biden had they known about that laptop.  Can you spell “election interference” ?

The Mueller investigation into Trump’s phony Russian connections took over 2 years.  The Horowitz Report that exposed the depth of DNC corruption from Hillary Clinton’s manufactured Russian hoax, and the FBI’s targeting of Trump under their Crossfire Hurricane investigation, took 2 years to complete, and his “bombshell” findings have been ignored.  But all of Trump’s voter fraud claims were dismissed and debunked in a few days before ANY investigation could be launched.  The difference, is that the DNC and the media had to “run out the clock” in short order, to secure their power by January 6th.  Those other probes would be beneficial to the Democrats as long as they could delay the release of any information under the guise of “ongoing investigations”.

We still haven’t found out what really happened in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, all five battleground states that “coincidently”, all flipped for the Democrats.

Why haven’t some of those 1,000 Affiants stepped forward and told their stories ?  Are they all too afraid to speak up ?  I recently heard of a case in my hometown that was filed by a Democrat election official claiming his reputation had been defamed by a poll watcher who said he witnessed the plaintiff manipulating machines at a storage facility.  The case was thrown out, in the poll watchers favor, but nothing more was said about the circumstances, and no details were provided, other than that which I have anecdotally described above.  Typical media reaction, sweep it under the rug.  Perhaps he was just one of 1,000 similar stories. 

Liars Can Figure But Figures Don’t Lie  

Let’s look at the numbers.  There were 168,300,000 registered voters in the 2020 presidential election, as estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau.  [1]

Reuters posted this article in an effort to debunk online claims by Trump supporters that there were only 133 million registered voters, and if Trump garnered 74 million, there wouldn’t be enough votes left for Biden. 

There were 158,429,631 ballots counted for President in 2020; Biden “tallied” 81,283,501 votes, while the incumbent President, Trump, received 74,223,975 votes.  Third party and independent candidates accounted for the remaining votes, less than 1% of the total. 

OK, so the total vote count WAS less than 168 million, and everything looks “kosher”, right ?  Hold on. 

They “fact checked” the 133 million figure, eager to discredit the social media claims, and then posted the article, presumably under full approval from their editors, without realizing they were promoting the idea that over 94% of registered voters “turned out” and actually voted.  What ???  Wait a minute.  Is that plausible ? 

Straight from the very source that Reuters cited in their aforementioned article on the number of registered voters, the U.S. Census Bureau, put out a Press Release in April 2021, more than 2 years before the Reuters article, wherein they stated that, “The 2020 presidential election had the highest voter turnout of the 21st century, with 66.8% of citizens 18 years and older voting in the election, according to new voting and registration tables released today . . . “.  [2]

In order to fully understand these statistics, we have to dig a little deeper.  “In 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau counted 331.4 million people living in the United States; more than three-quarters (77.9%) or 258.3 million were adults, 18 years or older . . . “.  [3]

Of those 258.3 million adults, the Census Bureau estimates that 168.3 million, or 65.1% of them were registered voters.

In contrast, there were 158.6 million registered voters in 2016.  Hillary Clinton garnered 65,853,625 votes, winning the popular vote, but was defeated in the all-important Electoral College 306-232, by Donald Trump, who collected 62,985,106 votes.  That’s a total vote count between those two candidates of 128,838,731, or approximately 81.2% of the registered voters.  Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, got 3.3% of the vote.

In 2012, there were 153.2 million registered voters.  Incumbent Barack Obama was re-elected, collecting 65,915,795 votes, while his opponent, Mitt Romney, secured 60,933,504 votes, totaling 126,849,299 votes between those two candidates, about 82.8% of the registered voters.  Others received 1.7% of the vote.

In 2008, there were 146.3 million registered voters.  Obama was elected to his first term amid a huge wave of Democratic optimism, collecting 69,498,516 votes, while his opponent, John McCain, secured 59,948,323 votes, totaling 129,446,839 votes, or 88.4% of the registered voters.  Others received 1.4% of the vote.

And now we’re supposed to accept, without question, the notion that a candidate who hid in his basement during the entire campaign season, and drew a few dozen supporters to his limited appearances, collected 81 million votes, 16 million more than Hillary Clinton four years earlier.  And the enthusiasm for him was much greater than Obama ever generated.  Okaaaaaaayyy.

Historically, the 65% to 66% turnout of the entire eligible population is in line, and while it may be possible that media-inspired hatred of President Trump drew voters out from the shadows, increasing the voter turnout from traditionally low 80’s percentages, and 88% in the energetic campaign of 2008, to over 94% participation seems less than plausible.  

That’s a pretty high “batting average”.  I’m skeptical that 94 out of every 100 registered voters did their civic duty and actually voted, even with mail-in ballots and extended opportunities.  It’s not a stretch to assume there were millions of citizens who registered the last time they were at the DMV and simply apathetic when the time came to go through the motions of actually voting. 

Looking at it another way, the voter rolls increased by just 9.7 million voters from 2016 (158.6 million) to 2020 (168.3 million), and Trump got MORE than 11 million additional votes than he did in 2016.  So where did all those Biden votes come from ?  It’s reasonable to challenge the count when the Republican incumbent collected 11 million more votes, and the Democrat candidate claims to have won an additional 16 million votes than his party’s previous candidate, with less than 10 million additional voters.  That’s nearly three times the increase in registration.  I’m pretty sure you can’t squeeze 27 million more votes out of 10 million more voters.

The Battleground States

The five battleground states that Trump won in 2016 and flipped to Biden in 2020 were; Arizona (AZ), Georgia (GA), Michigan (MI), Pennsylvania (PA), and Wisconsin (WI).

Let’s look at these interesting numbers: Vote data courtesy of CNN [4]

STATE         %age            VOTES         MARGIN          REGIST[5]    VOTED [5]

                                                                                  In thousands     in thousands

AZ      11 Electors              3.333,829                           3,878            3,649

          Biden  49.4              1,672,143      10,457         

          Trump 49                 1,661,686

GA     16 Electors              4,935,487                           5,233            4,888

          Biden  49.5              2,473,633      11,779         

          Trump 49.2              2,461,854

MI      16 Electors              5,453,892                           5,513            4,994

          Biden  50.6              2,804,040      154,188       

          Trump 47.8              2,649,852

PA      20 Electors              6,838,186                           7,337            6,756

          Biden  50                 3,459,923      81,660         

          Trump 48.8              3,378,263

WI      10 Electors              3,241,050                           3,391            3,253

          Biden  49.4              1,630,866      20,682         

          Trump 48.8              1,610,184

[5]  Download Table 4a from the referenced government website to see the results of every state

Notice anything peculiar about the vote totals in GA, MI, and PA (in bold red text) ?

According to official U.S. Census Bureau data, the total number of votes cast in those states is LESS than the combined total vote for the two major candidates.  How could that be ?

Not only that, but the difference in “extra” votes above the Census Bureau totals, exceeds the margin of victory in ALL THREE STATES, which represent 52 electoral votes.  And some of those total votes in the last column were certainly cast for other candidates.

Next time you hear some fraud denier ridicule “Trump’s Big Lie”, ask them how to explain the FACT that there were more combined votes for Biden and Trump than the total votes cast in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.  And don’t forget to mention that those “extra” votes were MORE than the margin of “victory” in all three states.

NOBODY is going to convince me the 2020 election wasn’t stolen, PERIOD !

Comments welcomed.

See my follow up article “

See my follow up article “2020 Election Results Don’t Add Up: Addendum


[1]  Reuters Fact Check ; Reuters ; Fact Check-‘133 million reistered voters’ argument for 2020 election recirculates ; May 9, 2023


[2]  United States Census Bureau ; 2020 Presidential Election Voting and Registration Tables Now Available ; Press Release Number CB21-TPS.49 ; April 29, 2021


[3]  Ogunwole, S., Rabe, M., Roberts, A., and Caplan, Z. ; United States Census Bureau ; U.S. Adult Population Grew Faster Than Nation’s Total Population From 2010 to 2020 ; August 12, 2021


[4]  CNN ; Presidential Results


[5]  United States Census Bureau ; Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2020 ; Press Release Number P20 Tables ; April 2021
