Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary
From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.
Spotlight Nevada –Part III in a 3-Part Series
If you got to this page before reading Part I of this series, I suggest you check that out first, and then return. You can see Part I: What Happened to the Red Wave ?HERE
It took me forever to get out of Arizona, Part II of this series, partially due to the holiday and my 10 day hiatus from all things political. This article isn’t nearly as long. It’s not imperative that you read Spotlight Arizona first, but if you’d like, just click the link. There is a return link at the bottom of Part II. Let’s get to it.
Nevada Voter Registration Statistics
Nevada Dept. of State
Voter Registration Statistics – 2022 General Election [1]
Democrat 616,841 32.52%
Republican 565,121 29.79%
Libertarian 16,751 0.88%
Other 698,413 36.81%
Total 1,897,126
For the sake of this article, I’m going to round off the above percentages to; 32% Democrat, 30% Republican, 1% Libertarian, and 37% Independent/Other.
Using the same methodology that I used in my Arizona analysis, I’ll assume there is virtually no “cross-over” voting between Democrats and Republicans, considering both sides to be firmly entrenched. The two major candidates were therefore competing for the Independent vote, representing 37 points.
Nevada Dept. of State
Voter Registration Statistics – 2022 – three most populist counties
Party Clark %age Washoe %age Carson City %age
Note that Clark County, the area encompassing Las Vegas, is by far the most populist, followed by Washoe, which surrounds the city of Reno. Washoe County had a population of 486,492 people as counted by the 2020 census. By 2021, the latest available number, the population had grown to 493,392. If we can trust the voter registration number, we can see that Washoe County’s population is 63.3% registered (using that latest figure). I have shown Carson City County to illustrate how sparse the population is state-wide, exclusive of Clark and Washoe counties. If a certain conspiracy to rig the election was planning their scheme, we could expect that to occur in at least one of those two counties. Clark County represents over 71% of the state-wide electorate, and Washoe represents about 16.5% of the Nevada electorate.
I have not heard any reports of “irregularities” in Clark County, but lo and behold, there was some troubling news out of Washoe. Somehow, all the livestream cameras went “dark” (offline) for more than 8 hours (from 11:24 PM local time on the evening of Nov 9th, and not restored until 7:53 AM on Nov 10th) at one of the county tabulation facilities. It reminded me of that time all the cameras went dark outside Jeffrey Epstein’s cell, right before he hanged “himself”.
I have questions:
How many tabulation sites went dark?
How did all those cameras go dark?
Why did it take them 8 hours to restore the surveillance?
What is the voter registration breakdown by party in that precinct?
What was the final vote count in that tabulation site?
Why has there not been a full audit and signature verification in Washoe County?
Nevada Election Results, U.S. Senate – 2022
The table below shows the finalized election results accepted by the Nevada Supreme Court on Nov 22, 2022. [2]
Candidate State %age Clark %age Washoe %age
Cortez Masto (D)
Laxalt (R)
Scott (Lib)
In all three areas, the Libertarian and “Other” candidates accounted for about 3% of the vote, so we are distributing 97 total points between the two major candidates.
Now let’s look at the baseline registration percentages that the Democrat and Republican candidates held and compare those percentages to the actual vote totals, state-wide and in the two most populist counties.
Catherine Cortez Masto (D) started with registered bases of 32% state-wide, 35% in Clark County, and 32% in Washoe.
The final vote count indicates she “won” 48.8% state-wide, 52.4% in Clark, and 50.8% in Washoe.
Therefore, of the 38 points represented by the Independent voters, Cortez Masto “won” 16.3 points (of the 38 points represented by the Independent voters) state-wide, 17.1 points (of 38) in Clark, and 19.1 points (of 34) in Washoe.
Adam Laxalt (R) started with registered bases of 30% state-wide, 26% in Clark County, and 33% in Washoe.
The final vote count indicates he got 48.0% state-wide, 44.6% in Clark, and 46.3% in Washoe.
Therefore, of the 38 points represented by the Independent voters, Laxalt took 18.2 points (of the 38 points represented by the Independent voters) state-wide, 18.7 points (of 38) in Clark, but just 13.3 points (of 34) in Washoe.
What do we see right away? Apparently, the two candidates essentially split the independent vote, with Laxalt taking a slight edge both state-wide and in Clark County. However, in Washoe County, where the cameras went dark, Cortez Masto “won” over 19 of the 34 independent points, while Laxalt was credited with only 13, a nearly 3:2 ratio in a county where Republicans outnumber Democrats. Oh, by the way, Cortez Masto’s margin of “victory” in Nevada was 7,928 votes, and her margin in Washoe was 8,615 votes, just a hair over what she needed to take the state.
How many votes were counted with the cameras dark?
To be fair,I did discover a Politifact article that disputes any wrongdoing during the interruption in camera coverage.[3] Once again, the propaganda media complex comes to the rescue and debunks claims of fraud. The author claims the county put out a statement that staff had departed the building before the cameras went dark, which was caused by a computer application losing contact with the cameras, and the problem wasn’t discovered until the next morning. They also claimed that surveillance cameras covering the garage and a hallway recorded no activity and that employees access the building with electronic badges, of which none were used during the outage. In other words, everything is fine, look away.
You can choose to believe Politifact, or you can entertain the notion that it’s certainly possible that clandestine operators know how to manipulate electronic surveillance, especially when they know they have 8 hours to do what they want to do. Personally, I don’t trust ANY obviously biased “news’ outlets. At some point you have to realize that a growing list of “coincidences” ceases to be coincidences, and becomes arrangements.
Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary
From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.
Spotlight Arizona –Part II in a series to be continued
If you got to this page before reading Part I of this series, I suggest you check that out first, and then return. You can see Part I: What Happened to the Red Wave ?HERE
As you may recall from Part I, the actual voter registration numbers and percentages are the established baselines from which we can begin to analyze the election results in any given state, or county. The rationale behind making the registration numbers “established” baselines is the reasonable assumption that there would be virtually no “cross-over” voting between the Democrat and Republican bases. The two sides clearly hate each other and I see no reason to consider any scenario whereby any voter would abandon his/her beloved party. So let’s look at:
The Actual Numbers
Arizona Dept. of State
Voter Registration Statistics – 2022 General Election [1]
Democrat 1,270,544 30.66%
Republican 1,436,852 34.67%
Libertarian 32,148 0.78%
Other 1,404,385 33.89%
Total 4,143,929
The methodology I’ll use here is to compare these percentages to the election results for the two candidates of the major parties, Democrat vs. Republican,
based on the abovementioned rationale, we can assume the Democrats would start with a solid 30% of the vote and Republicans would start with a solid 34%, then the two candidates would be competing for that 34% Independent (Other) vote. Keep in mind that Marc Victor, the Libertarian candidate, siphoned off about 2% of the votes for Senator, but I’m largely going to ignore him. For the sake of this article, I have rounded down the Dem and Repub shares to 30% and 34% respectively, and rounded up that “Other” registration to 34%, leaving 2% for the Libertarian share, which reflects what Victor actually got.
This method can not be claimed as “fool-proof”, but it’s a fairly reasonable starting point. One caveat that must be considered is the very real possibility that among the Independent voter registration rolls, there are so-called “closet” Democrats and “closet” Republicans, people who lean left or right, but don’t want to “publicly” admit they favor either party among friends or family members. That faction of the independent vote would be hard to quantify. Perhaps a similar percentage of the independent vote could be assigned to each party that reflects the general break-down of the state, but that would be speculation. One other factor that must be considered is that some of those independents may have registered Independent years ago, and may now have convictions that lean more left, or right, but simply never changed their registration status. It would be naïve to postulate that the entire Independent registration is truly independent and honestly vote on how they feel about the issues of each particular election cycle. Realistically, I would suggest that there is a mix of “closet” Democrats, “closet” Republicans, those who now “lean” left and right, and true “fence-sitters”, or “swayables”, that represent those 34 points.
The most important race in Arizona, as well as the other states mentioned in Part I, in terms of political power, was the seat in the U. S. Senate, pitting the Republican challenger, Blake Masters against the incumbent Mark Kelly. As it turned out Arizona was one of the few states that were at stake in terms of controlling the U.S. Senate. Going in to the mid-terms, the Democrats held the slimmest possible margin, with each party holding 50 seats and ties being decided by Vice President Harris (D). It was projected that Republicans had a legitimate chance to turn as many as 3 or 4 of those seats, thereby gaining control of the Senate.
It would be negligent for me to ignore the “elephant in the room” at this juncture; being the almost certain, but unproven, allegations of voter fraud committed by the DNC in the 2020 presidential election. If you have been following me at all, you know I have repeatedly claimed the DNC stole the presidency and control of the Senate.
Just for some background: In the 116th Congress (2019-2021), Democrats controlled the House 235-199, having gained control by swinging 41 seats in the mid-terms of 2018.
Republicans had held control of the Senate since the mid-term elections of 2014, until Democrats took control in the 2020 election with 50 seats and Vice President Harris (D) deciding ties. Republicans held majorities of 54-44 in the 114th Congress (2015-2017), 52-46 in the 115th Congress (2017-2019), and 53-45 in the 116th Congress. However, the 2 so-called “Independent” Senators both caucus with the Democrats 100% of the time, often referred to as Democrats when the media mentions the 50/50 split. They are Angus King (I-ME) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who even sought the presidential nomination in the Democrat primaries several times.
Kelly was elected in the special election following the death of Senator John McCain, defeating incumbent Republican Martha McSally. He has served since 2020 and was up for re-election upon the expiration of McCain’s term. He is the husband of Gabby Giffords and probably garners a measure of sympathy from some voters due to her misfortunate shooting.
For Arizona, I’m going to examine both the Senatorial and Gubernatorial races state-wide, and direct the spotlight on Maricopa County due to early reports of their tabulator machines “malfunctioning”.
When I look for “irregularities” or anomalies, I’m looking for significant percentage variations or unusual events that appear to be “red flags”, and try to find out as much as possible on the circumstances. I’ll compare the numbers in the chart below to updated numbers from when the vote was reported as 99% counted.
71% in State %age Margin
Kelly (D)
Masters (R)
Victor (Lib.) & Others
Hobbs (D)
Lake (R)
CHART 1: Represents a screenshot I took at 7:59 PM EST on the 10th of Nov. At this point it appears that Kelly had gotten about 21 of the 34 independent points (the percentage of registered Independents), and Masters had gotten less than 12 points. Likewise, Hobbs had gotten nearly 20 of the 34 points and Lake had gotten less than 15. I’d say those numbers in both races are suspicious due to the overwhelming disapproval of the performance of the Democratic administration (72% by poll), which common sense would indicate, has likely fostered some resentment among Independent voters.
Image 217:by the 18th of Nov at 12:58 PM EST, the numbers shown in CHART 1 had been updated, reported as 99% counted. Note that Kelly was credited as getting an additional 324,874 votes (51.04%) in the intervening 8 days, while Masters got 299,378 (47.03%), and Victor & Others got 12,279 (1.93%) of those additional 636,531 votes (since the 10th of Nov). This illustrates a potential “red flag”, in that Kelly outperformed Masters, securing almost 21 of the available 34 Independent points, or 51.4% less his 30.66 registered base, whereas Masters got less than 12 of those pts. (46.5% less his 34.67 base), a nearly 2:1 ratio. It might be plausible that a popular Democrat, who got some sympathetic votes, could win over some of the independent minds, but when you consider the disastrous economic consequences of the current administration, you have to believe there would be significant disapproval. To “win” 2/3rds of those independent minds is virtually incomprehensible. How many Independent voters sat around their kitchen tables saying, “yeah, the economy sucks and all my expenses have shot through the roof, but I feel sorry for Gabby Giffords so we should vote for her husband”? Was it really 2 out of every 3? I’m skeptical. Image 235: updated 9 Dec at 3:30 PM EST: in the intervening 21 days since that 18th Nov screenshot (Image 217 above), the count is still listed as 99% in, and Kelly had “won” 4,232 votes (53.8%), while Master got 3,454 (43.9%), and Victor got 182 (2.3%) of the additional 7,868 votes. Note that the race had been called by the 18th of Nov but it’s interesting that Kelly beat Masters by 10 points with this latest tranche rolling in, and we don’t know where that late count came from, but we could speculate it was from Maricopa. These numbers could be considered the final tally.
In the Gubernatorial race, I also took several screenshots as the results slowly rolled in. It’s a good way to see if any “irregularities” pop up and whether the early leader starts to lose ground or builds a late lead.
Image 219:by the 18th of Nov at12:58 PM EST, the numbers shown in CHART 1 had been updated, reported as 99% counted. In the Gubernatorial race Hobbs had picked up an additional 316,996 votes (50.05%) in the intervening 8 days, while Lake got 316,391 (49.95%), of those additional 633,387 votes (since the 10th of Nov), a virtual dead heat, but splitting the “independent” vote down the middle still seems odd given the current state of the economy.
Image 224: as of 22 Nov at 3:23 PM EST, the vote counted is still listed as 99% in, but another small tranche of votes had been tabulated. Hobbs got 4,018 of the additional 7,700 votes (52.2%), while Lake got only 3,682 (47.8%) in comparison to vote totals reported the 18th of Nov at12:58 PM EST (see image 219), an indication that Hobbs stretched her lead in the late vote count, potentially raising another “red flag”.
Image 233: updated 9 Dec at 3:29 PM EST – we can see that the vote count had not changed from the 22nd of Nov to the 9th of Dec. These numbers could be considered the final tally.
Maricopa County Results
It’s not enough to just glance over the state-wide results. We have to investigate the results by county and look for “irregularities”, or abnormalities, particularly when there are reports of “malfunctioning” machines.
I’m just going to highlight Maricopa County, where the machines raised a “red flag”. For a full list of the vote by county, see the webpage link in Footnote [2]
Arizona Dept. of State – Maricopa County (906 Precincts)
Voter Registration Statistics – 2022 General Election [3]
Democrat 731,792 30.05%
Republican 841,142 34.54%
Libertarian 19,829 0.81%
Other 842,634 34.60%
Total 2,435,397
Maricopa County, an area that encompasses Phoenix, is the state’s most populous county, and home to about 60% of the state’s registered voters. We can see by the voter registration percentages above that Maricopa County is nearly identical to the state-wide numbers for each party affiliation, as they are shown above, differing by only a few 10ths of a point in each case.
Within the first few hours of voting, it was reported that about 25% of the tabulator machines were rejecting ballots. I have not seen any specific information on how many machines were “malfunctioning”, nor how many of the 906 precincts were experiencing problems, nor where those machines were in terms of party “strongholds”. Would it shock anyone if we find out the “malfunctioning” machines were primarily located in heavily Democratic precincts?
An NPR article claims the machines were reported in “about 20% of the (voting) locations”. [4]
“Around mid-afternoon local time (say 5 PM EST, Tuesday 8 Nov)), the county said that it had ‘identified the solution for the tabulation issues at about 60 Vote Centers.’ ” Right off the bat, the NPR article seems elusive and deceptive. They under-report a percentage in the headline, and then follow up with a disconnected number that appears bigger than the headlined percentage, but gives no indication of the actual effectiveness of the “solution”. In other words, how many of the claimed 20% does “about 60” centers represent? Notice how they don’t tell you how many precincts there are in Maricopa County, or how many centers were affected. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn the editors deliberately misled their readers to downplay the perception of fraud, knowing claims of fraud are coming. Remember, the media is undeniably a propaganda machine for the DNC.
They go on to say in a sub-header, these issues are “Fuel for baseless right-wing claims”, citing the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), a “research coalition that focuses on misinformation around elections”. (see more on EIP in Footnote [5])
(Paine’s Comment): It didn’t take them long to accuse conservatives of spreading lies. NPR somehow knew that any “conspiracy theories” suspected regarding voter fraud were “baseless” as soon as the story broke. It is their mission to immediately debunk all stories questioning election integrity. Propagandists don’t wait for facts to emerge. They take control of the narrative right away in an attempt to influence perceptions.
<insert a bigger table to include Victor (L) and update numbers>
Election results – for all intents and purposes, these can be considered final results, given the late date(s), although it’s reported as “99% counted”
99% inState %age Margin Maricopa %age Margin
Kelly (D)
Masters (R)
Victor (L)
Hobbs (D)
Lake (R)
CHART 2: State-wide results courtesy CNN ; updated 9 Dec at 3:30 PM EST ; Maricopa County results courtesy Politico ; updated 8 Dec at 8:45 PM EST ; Maricopa County results for Marc Victor and ballots cast totals courtesy Maricopa County Elections Department. The county reported 1,562,758 ballots cast, which is 11,595 votes more than the total shown in the chart (1,551,163). Those votes were apparently for other candidates and/or “write-ins”. All percentages rounded.
There are several interesting “facts” to consider. Note that:
In the Senatorial race, Kelly took 52.2% of the vote in Maricopa and “won” the county by a 99,082 vote margin, then increased his margin statewide to 125,719 votes, while losing 8/10ths of a point percentage-wise. I’m not Copernicus, but I think we need an explanation on how that is possible. If we subtract the Maricopa votes from the state-wide numbers, we can determine the votes won by each candidate outside of Maricopa. Then we can check those vote shares as percentages of the total vote excluding Maricopa.
The actual numbers would be 512,454 votes for Kelly, 485,817 votes for Masters, and 22,663 votes for Victor, totaling 1,020,934 votes cast outside of Maricopa. Those corresponding percentages would then be 50.2% for Kelly, 47.6% for Masters, and 2.2% for Victor, in those other counties. So, it appears that Kelly was able to increase his margin outside of Maricopa by “winning” just over 50% of those votes, while Victor siphoned off some of the votes that could have gone to Masters. That is how Kelly lost ground while increasing his margin.
In Maricopa, Kelly’s 99,082 vote margin represents 79% of his state-wide margin in a county where Republicans outnumber Democrats by registration. In the other counties outside of Maricopa, his 26,637 vote margin represents just 21% of his overall margin. In other words, we are led to believe that considering the registration breakdown by party affiliation is nearly identical in Maricopa to the breakdown state-wide, with Republicans outnumbering Democrats everywhere, over 3/4ths of Kelly’s margin was “won” in Maricopa, where the machines “coincidently” malfunctioned.
Keeping those registration numbers in mind, we are also supposed to accept the notion that Kelly “won” 22 of the available 34 points from independent voters in Maricopa, leaving just 11 points for Masters, a 2:1 ratio. One might expect some degree of disillusionment among independents in light of the disastrous performance of the current Democrat leadership, yet somehow, 2 out of every 3 voted in support of continuing their own economic downfall. That is completely mind-boggling.
In the Gubernatorial Race, Hobbs took 51.2% of the vote in Maricopa and “won” the county by a 37,638 vote margin, then lost ground to Lake in the other counties, finishing with 50.3% and “winning” by a margin of only 17,117 votes. The Maricopa voter registration is 30.05% Democratic (731,792), 34.54% Republican 841,142, 0.81% Libertarian (19,829), and 34.60% Other (842,634), or 2,435,397 total registered voters in 906 precincts for the General Election. [3] Similar to the senatorial race, the Democrat “won” 21 of the available Independent points, while leaving just over 14 points for the Republican, a 3:2 ratio. Not as lopsided, but still hard to believe, given the state of the economy and the ongoing border crisis in their own backyard.
Again, just to be clear, I am not saying there is absolute certainty of massive voter fraud supported by overwhelming evidence. But, there are “irregularities”, specifically those tabulator machines that “malfunctioned”, that demand intense scrutiny. AND, the numbers themselves simply don’t make sense. We are all aware of the immediate vilification of anyone who questions the integrity of our elections by the Democrats and their propaganda machine, the mainstream media, often using the exact same terminology, as if there was a memo distributed instructing them on the proper phraseology. They always say, in unison, those claims have been “debunked”. Remember how they all regurgitated the phrase “Trump’s big lie”? Who are the real liars?
I have a few follow-up questions to those who quickly dismiss any claims of voter fraud:
Which independent authority completed a thorough and full audit of every vote? One article that caught my attention was the request in Cochise County to expand an audit. [6] In the body of the article it says a judge denied the request because a full hand-count audit is “not permitted under Arizona law”. That may be true, but WHY is a full audit unlawful? Don’t the citizens deserve to be informed of the truth? The reason they filed the request was because they can’t trust the machines that count the votes. That law itself is a “red flag” to me. It opens the door to fraud.
Which independent authority cross-checked the voter registration rolls with the U.S. census database?
Which independent authority verified that every voter is still a living person by consulting the death records kept by the Social Security Administration?
How thorough was the testing of ALL vote tabulator machines?
Who certified the “tabulator” machines and how secure was the chain of custody?
What are all the details of the tabulator machine “malfunctions” in Maricopa? The only reporting that I ever heard was the machines were not properly “reading” the marks made by voters. But, to my knowledge, we were not fully informed of any further explanation. What exactly was happening? Were those machines not counting votes at all? Or were they actually switching votes to a preset “default” (a.k.a. the Democrat)? What did the observers see that determined the machines were “malfunctioning”? Where is Harmeet Dhillon, Republican National Committeewoman, who supposedly organized an army of lawyers and observers in the key districts? And what did she find out?
Why does it take a week or longer to count your votes?
What proof is there that the election was free and fair?
To accept the election results in the state of Arizona, you have to start with the voter registration percentages; which are roughly 30% Democrat, 34% Republican, 34% Independent, and 2% Libertarian; then assume there is virtually no “cross-over” voting between Democrats and Republicans due to the deep divide; and believe the Democrats “won” about 21 of those available independent points, while the Republicans were left with only about 12 of those 34 points, a nearly 2:1 ratio.
IF (that’s a BIG “if”) the vote count was legitimately accurate, there are only three possible explanations logically; many registered Independents now lean left but simply never updated their registration status, or many Independents have been totally brainwashed, or 2 out of every 3 registered independents are actually “closet” Democrats who loyally voted for their beloved party. These are people who seemingly perceive some degree of shame were they to admit they are Democrats, yet remain staunch in their political convictions, despite the terrible performance of their leaders that directly resulted in their own economic hardships, in a state being overrun by illegal immigrants on their own border. Given the set of logic-defying circumstances related to that third possibility, I doubt that mindset was significant.
If the performance of he past two years under Democrat rule had helped the people of Arizona, or anywhere else, you could understand the vote of confidence. Given the actual poor performance, I’m not buying any notion that 2 out of 3 independents still support Democrat policies in significant numbers. Therefore, the first two possibilities, in some combination, offer the only logical choice. There are either a LOT of lazy Independents in Arizona who, at some point, became hard-core Democrats, OR, the election was stolen by Democrat operatives acting as “officials”, probably in Maricopa County. They TOLD us where the shenanigans occurred, i.e., the actual polling places where the machines “malfunctioned”. Why doesn’t somebody demand a full audit of the vote count in those precincts?
We the People deserve answers!
Part III – Spotlight Nevada: Election Results 2022 – coming soon
The NPR article, in reference to the Arizona tabulator machine “malfunction” problem, cited the Election Integrity Partnership as a source. Why should anyone trust them?
(straight from their website): The Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) was founded about 100 days before the 2020 election, “as a non-partisan coalition to empower the research community, election officials, government agencies, civil society organizations, social media platforms, and others to defend our elections against those who seek to undermine them by exploiting weaknesses in the online information environment.”
This “disinformation bureau” is under the direction of political “observers” (activists?) from the Stanford Internet Observatory and the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public. Does anyone really believe those “observers” from the ranks of academia are politically neutral?
To help answer that question, here is a statement they published to their site under “About”: “In recent years, we have seen political actors exploit weaknesses in the evolving information environment to build support for the subversion of election results. In 2016, Russian agents hacked U.S. election infrastructure and, in the weeks leading up to the vote, attempted to simultaneously demotivate Black voters and agitate right-leaning Americans with allegations of an imminent stolen election. In the 2020 U.S. elections, false and misleading online information gave rise to physical and legal challenges to the certification of the election’s results. In 2022, we will once again face such challenges. In the primaries this year, we have already witnessed the recurrence of spurious claims from the 2020 election.”
(Paine’s Comment): Six years after the 2016 election, they still claim that Russian agents stole the election from Hillary Clinton, a position that has since long been disproven. Apparently, four years isn’t enough time to edit their website.
They also claim that the 2020 election fraud, sworn by over 1,000 independent witnesses under penalty of perjury was completely “baseless”. Nor did I ever see or hear of any evidence that Trump supporters were suppressing black voters and “agitating right-leaning Americans with allegations of an imminent stolen election” in the weeks leading up to the vote. Maybe “allegations” aren’t designed to “agitate” right-wing extremists. Maybe those Trump supporters are just bringing facts to light.
All of the NPR claims seem rather biased. In other words, NO ONE can be trusted. The entire spectrum of information is permeated by LEFT-wing propaganda. The DNC can commit any act, unethical or criminal, and get away with it because they are covered by the media on the back-end. Anyone with conservative viewpoints is vilified, if not completely censored, by the mass media. AND, the media doesn’t even have to worry about their own integrity because they know most people are useful idiots who believe anything they claim to be true.
Thomas Paine: American Philosopher, & Revolutionary
From 1776 through the formation of The Constitution I helped create America. Now I have returned to help save America. American Patriots must join together, speak out in free and open discussion to fight the “woke” anti-American mob, and further the cause of FREEDOM.
The Twitter Files (Twittergate)
As I was wrapping up my vacation on Friday the 2nd of December, shortly after 6 PM EST, Elon Musk, the new CEO of Twitter, released some internal documents that had been discovered by independent journalist Matt Taibbi.
My plan was to finish up Part II of my series on the mid-term elections, but this bombshell revelation is just too important to set aside. I’ll get back to the Arizona election results soon after delving into this DNC “scandal of the week”.
We have all known since the New York Post article in October 2020 that Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell” was a scandalous expose on the life of President Joe Biden’s son. There were accusations that the giant social media platforms, Twitter, and Facebook, along with other “news” organizations had buried the story to protect Biden in the days and weeks running up to the 2020 election. Of course the Biden campaign and their media lap dogs conducted a coordinated cover-up effort for their preferred candidate. Everybody knows that. What we didn’t know until now, was how extensive the corruption behind the suppression of the Post’s story had been.
The Staggering Level of Corruption
What we have learned from the internal documents released by Musk is that high-level Twitter executives, acting without the knowledge of former CEO and founder, Jack Dorsey, who has not been implicated, had direct communications with the FBI and the Biden campaign team, and had been coerced into censoring the Post story.
Taibbi revealed internal company emails dated Oct 24, 2020, just 10 days before the election, that said:
“More to review from the Biden team” along with a list of tweets, to which another exec replied, “handled these”.
Under the guidelines of Twitter’s newly reformed “hacked materials” policy, the social media giant, with influential direction from Vijaya Gadde, head of Legal Policy and Trust, decided they could censor the Post story. The social media platform locked the Post out of its Twitter account for more than two weeks, claiming the story was based on “hacked information”.
Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel (since June 2020), Jim Baker, former General Counsel of the FBI from Jan 2014 through Jan 2018, claimed it was “reasonable” to assume the materials were hacked and that “caution is warranted”. [1]
Baker was thee Chief Legal Officer (CLO), or top lawyer, in the FBI during the last two years that Joe Biden was Vice President. You would think a lawyer of that stature, should know a few things about ethics. Oh wait, Baker had been engaged in an ongoing feud with then President Trump since the month before his hiring at Twitter, when he labeled two tweets by Trump as “misinformation”. While at the FBI, Baker was deeply involved in the early stages of the investigation into the Russian collusion “scandal”, specifically the FISA warrant application against Carter Page, a one-time Trump campaign aide. Keep in mind, the FBI knew the entire Russian collusion story was fabricated from the false statements of the Steele dossier, but deceived the FISA Judge into issuing the surveillance warrant four times under false pretenses. After two years of the Mueller investigation, it was proven the Russia collusion “scandal” was a complete hoax concocted and paid for by the Clinton campaign. Apparently, Mr. Baker had an axe to grind and now he is a central figure in yet another scheme to cover up the story that many polled voters stated would have changed their decisions in the 2020 election. But that’s not all. This is where the “story of the story” gets even “juicier”.
According to Miranda Devine, a journalist for the New York Post, and Author of the book, Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide, claims that the FBI approached Twitter before the story broke in October 2020, and advised/recommended/coerced them to reform their “hacking materials” policy in anticipation of a forthcoming “October surprise” their intelligence agents had determined was classic Russian “disinformation”. Here we go again. Does anyone detect a pattern ? In other words, the FBI preemptively coerced Twitter to censor the story, AND they did so with full knowledge that the laptop was real because they had possession of it for more than a year prior. You have to wonder whether Mr. Baker had any contacts back at the FBI, or was he the contact “point man” for team Biden.
In any case, it’s clear that the Biden campaign had contact with Twitter, perhaps through Jim Baker, and then used the preeminent law enforcement agency in the world, a government agency, to coerce a private social media company to suppress a story that would obviously harm the ambitions of their candidate to win the presidency. If Twitter had done that on their own, as a private company, the censorship may have passed the “smell test”, but as soon as the government got involved, it became felonious. [2] (see 18 U.S. Code § 595)
I’m not a Lawyer, and there is somewhat of a “grey area” within the referenced law, but my interpretation is that the statutory language “in connection with any activity which is financed in whole or in part by loans or grants made by the United States, or any department or agency thereof, . . . “ could include favors granted “in kind”. In other words, Twitter obliged the Biden team and the FBI by censoring the laptop story, essentially granting them a favor, under coercion, even absent of a cash transaction. Coercion could be interpreted to mean, act in our interests, or else, threatening events could follow. If prosecutors can prove coercion, it’s “game over”.
ADDENDUM: The Smoking Gun, updated 6 Dec 2022
Watch the full episode at this link Scroll forward to the 10:44 timeline, where the mention of Vijaya Gadde begins. This is the “smoking gun” gotcha moment, where the Biden administration clearly violated18 U.S. Code § 595. Gadde was overseeing the censorship decision made by Twitter and was then REWARDED by the Biden administration, having been appointed (a form of payback, or a “grant made by the United States” to quote the statute), as an advisor to the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a division of Homeland Security (DHS). BOOM !
Now what ? Are We the People going to sit back and wait for things to happen, or are we going to make things happen ? We have just seen our right to vote disenfranchised TWICE, as the DNC rigged the last two election cycles, and the FBI used by the Democrats as their partisan Secret Police to censor their political opponents. Then they launched a “save our Democracy” campaign in the last month leading up to the 2022 mid-terms, completely misleading their useful idiot voters into thinking they were the morally righteous party. I get the feeling that true American Patriots are just as disgusted as I am. All of a sudden, the phrase “drain the swamp” is more important than ever before. These perpe-TRAITORS must be eliminated from power as quickly as possible. ALL of them need to be removed from office and permanently banned from ever holding any position requiring the public trust.
We the People must act NOW. That is why I am proposing a petition to be circulated online, to gather signatures supporting impeachment of President Biden and his running mate, Vice President Harris, and a “clean house” effort that involves investigations and indictments of all FBI personnel, and any other agencies involved, who were connected to the Twitter censorship conducted prior to the 2020 election.
Please share this article as much as you can in the hope that someone has experience in coordinating such a petition campaign. The more signatures the better. It will require extremely widespread circulation.
I would recommend that it be submitted to the incoming Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, which typically has jurisdiction on impeachment. The Ranking Member is currently Jim Jordan (R-OH), who will likely become Chairman. The House Oversight Committee, expected to be chaired by James Comer, highlighted in the next chapter, would also be a good recipient, in terms of FBI oversight.
What Can We the People Expect to Happen ?
When the 118th Congress convenes on the 3rd of January 2023, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform will be reorganized under Republican control. It is expected that Ranking Member James Comer (R-KY) will become Committee Chairman, and launch an investigation into the origins and ramifications of the “Twittergate” scandal.
You’ll see this face in the coming months.
To contact James Comer directly, call his office at (202) 225-3115. You should be able to speak with one of his aides, even if you are not from Kentucky. I was able to walk into several Representatives offices during the Trump impeachment hearings and hand deliver a letter.
I’d be willing to bet that they will present compelling evidence that crimes were committed, but nothing will go any further than that because the Democrats still control the Senate and, more importantly, the Department of Justice, headed by another partisan Democrat, Merrick Garland, who was denied confirmation hearings by the Republican controlled Senate when he was nominated for the vacant Supreme Court seat created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, near the end of Obama’s second term, has his own axe to grind. After taking office, Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill that vacancy.
On the other hand, the House investigation could potentially last for two years, by which time the Republicans (a.k.a. the adults) may actually gain control of both chambers of Congress, and replace the current Attorney General with their own nominee who possesses some degree of integrity. Yeah right. I almost forgot, they’ll probably steal those elections too.
[1] Nava, V., Garger, K., and Golding, B. ; Hunter Biden Laptop Bombshell: Twitter Invented Reason to Censor Post’s Reporting ; New York Post ; Dec 2, 2022